Unable to edit schema & delete content from that same schema

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Current behavior

When I’m trying to add a field (to the scheme ‘Page’) I receive the following error Failed to make the update. Another user has made a change. Please reload.

When I’m trying to delete content of said schema (Page), I receive an error that it already has been deleted. However, It’s still in the result of the content pane. unable to be updated, changed or deleted.

Expected behavior

Being able to edit my schema & delete content.

Minimal reproduction of the problem

I’m unsure how I got myself in this big of a pickle, But I think it happened when using the ‘bulk’ archive/draft (changing status from published) when the content was referenced with a ‘require to be published’ requirement.

However, that was for a different schema (minimenu), that I deleted & recreated. Perhaps the content of the deleted scheme (minimenu) is lingering & referencing the now stuck content (from the scheme pages)


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Seems this issue is somewhat related: [SOLVED] Unable to deselect 'protected' on protected assets

Deleted & recreated scheme: minimenu
Stuck scheme: page
Stuck content id’s: 12dc5678-0705-4d5d-8f4f-86b2269fa4a4, 5a546ac0-545f-4239-928f-85c910f90d61, a8524ff1-3654-4e85-9b23-06a0da032b84,

Error on saving stuck content: image
(unknown Id: a6526b23-a84f-47e2-bd7b-895e429cc921)

I have deleted this content item (from the email) manually but I think it is related to the NullReferenceException that I have shown you before, which means that the content is in fact deleted when from the event store which is the primary database and source of truth but not from the database that is used for querying content items.

Ok, then the only bug is the this duplicate.

I’ve piggy backed on that thread for the schema part, as the scope is smaller.

It is all the same storage system.

which means that the content is in fact deleted when from the event store which is the primary database and source of truth but not from the database that is used for querying content items.

When will rectify itself, or do I need to do something? Just so that the ‘stuck’ content items, which are deleted also stop showing up on squidex front-end.

Do you have concrete examples where it is still a problem?

These have the “Already exist” error

Id: b2e3e580-9bc5-44a2-a20b-300e941daf84

Id: 4d47d374-a691-48b2-8fae-5ae636ce51dc

These have the “Has been deleted” error

Id: 12dc5678-0705-4d5d-8f4f-86b2269fa4a4

Id: 5a546ac0-545f-4239-928f-85c910f90d61

Id: a8524ff1-3654-4e85-9b23-06a0da032b84

All from the schema ‘page’

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What do you want me to do with the “deleted” contents? To really delete them I guess?

Yes that is fine.
Was this still from the previous bug, or was this something else?

I am going to debug it now…have to restore the database locally and then figure it out.