Unable to log-in with the admin username and password set in .env

Hello! I am testing a deployment using your quick start guide below:

I entered the SQUIDEX_ADMINEMAIL and SQUIDEX_ADMINPASSWORD into the .env file:

After running ‘docker-compose up -d’ command, I was able to successfully open the SQUIDEX login page.

I entered the admin email and password from the .env file and the page returned an invalid user/pass error.

Is there something that i could have missed? Or is there a default username password?

No error messages appeared in the console.

Thanks in advance for any insight!

Best Regards

Have you checked the docker logs. Squidex has a password policy and will log it to the output of the password is weak.

Hello @Sebastian

Thanks for the tip! That was the issue. My password was a bit too weak.

Best Regards