Realm information in custom OIDC


I’m looking for either help with understanding the possibilities of the current implementation of custom OIDC or to propose enhancement(s) in that area.

Bit of background.

  • We are using Auth0’s multiple connections model in our multi-tenant application. In this model tenants data is stored in different connections - realms.
  • Every app in our hosted Squidex is a tenant matched to the tenant from our application.
  • We would like to configure OIDC in Squidex in such a way that authentication flow can be initiated in our app and via Auth0 land user authenticated in Squidex in the same tenant (app).
  • Auth0 Universal Login which we use for auth can be loaded with realm information passed in via login_hint param (as described here). This is what we already do in our app and would like to be able to do in Squidex.

Here are my questions.

  1. Is there an endpoint in Squidex I can send a user from our app to that will trigger custom OIDC auth and ignore all other configured auth methods?
  2. Is there a way to send realm information from Squidex to configured custom OIDC (as described here)? Can realm value by dynamic?
  3. Is there a way to redirect user to the resource they were trying to reach after successful auth via custom OIDC? Consider this. From our app a link will take authenticated user to Squidex, say /app/foo/content/my-schema?pageSize=10. If there’s no auth session in Squidex, I’d like Squidex to just use configured custom OIDC endpoint (ignore all other auth methods I might have configured), extract app name (foo), add it to the OIDC endpoint as login_hint param and send to Auth0. Once Auth0 responds with successful auth, Squidex session is established and my user is taken to /app/foo/content/my-schema?pageSize=10.


Not. but if OIDC is the only authentication method you will not get a login screen and redirect automatically.

I don’t think so. Perhaps there is a general query string or so?

This is something that the UI needs to handle, because the UI defines the redirect URI. So usually you attach the original URL in the redirect URI and then you make another redirect there.

Thank you for a quick reply.

Would you consider expanding backend to allow adding configurable query strings to the authorization endpoint for custom OIDC? Or could you point me in the right direction to try and make such changes ourselves?

Similarly, where in the frontend would you make the changes to allow for the described redirect?

Yes, please create another feature request.

I will have a look, but I just use a component, if it is is not supported out of the box, there is nothing I can do.

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Done here:

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I think OIDC supports the state parameter which is basically a custom string and could be anything you want.