Is there way to integrate Squidex with Opentelemtry/Zipkin based exporter? I have below code in my other app to export logs. I am using AddZipkinExporter.
services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing((builder) => builder
.AddService(serviceName: serviceName, serviceVersion: serviceVersion))
.AddHttpClientInstrumentation(o =>
o.RecordException = true;
.AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation(o =>
o.RecordException = true;
.AddZipkinExporter(b =>
b.Endpoint = new Uri(“http://server:9411/api/v2/spans”);
I can see below setting, do they support Zipkin exporter ?
“otlp”: {
// True, to enable OpenTelemetry Protocol integration.
“enabled”: false,
// The endpoint to the agent.
"endpoint": "",
// The sample rate as double. 0.5 writes every second trace.
"sampling": 1.0