October 31, 2018, 5:37pm
We can’t manage to match the X-Signature on our side.
Here is our method :
public async Task RefreshSettingsAsync([FromHeader(Name = “X-Signature”)] string XSignature) {
if (!XSignature.IsNotEmpty())
return BadRequest("X-Signature missing");
using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body))
var body = reader.ReadToEnd();
string hashedSecret = (AppSettings.Value.Data.AppSecretKey + body).Sha256Base64();
if (hashedSecret != XSignature)
return BadRequest("Secrets are not matching");
return Ok("App was restarted...");
wich always returns hashedSecret != XSignature
How is computed the has on your side ?
Do you confirm : Base64(Sha256(RequestBody + Secret)) ?
Any help ?
I’m submitting a…
[ ] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
[ x] Bug report
[ ] Performance issue
[ ] Documentation issue or request
Current behavior
Expected behavior
Minimal reproduction of the problem
[ ] Self hosted with version docker
[ ] Self hosted with IIS
[ ] Self hosted with other version
[x ] Cloud version
[ ] Chrome (desktop)
[ ] Chrome (Android)
[ ] Chrome (iOS)
[ ] Firefox
[ ] Safari (desktop)
[ ] Safari (iOS)
[ ] IE
[ ] Edge
What I see is that you changed the order of the secret and the body.
This is my implementation:
protected override (string Description, WebhookJob Data) CreateJob(EnrichedEvent @event, WebhookAction action)
var requestBody = ToEnvelopeJson(@event);
var requestUrl = Format(action.Url, @event);
var ruleDescription = $"Send event to webhook '{requestUrl}'";
var ruleJob = new WebhookJob
RequestUrl = Format(action.Url.ToString(), @event),
RequestSignature = $"{requestBody}{action.SharedSecret}".Sha256Base64(),
RequestBody = requestBody
return (ruleDescription, ruleJob);
protected override async Task<(string Dump, Exception Exception)> ExecuteJobAsync(WebhookJob job)
using (var httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient())
Can you share your Sha256Base64 method ?
namespace Squidex.Infrastructure
public static class RandomHash
public static string New()
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Sha256Base64().Replace("+", "x");
public static string Sha256Base64(this string value)
using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
var bytesValue = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
var bytesHash = sha.ComputeHash(bytesValue);
var result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytesHash);
return result;
November 1, 2018, 11:44am
My method is exactly the same as yours. I even made a test with a copy from your code. I still have different hashs…
That’s weird !
One thing that was definitely different is:
(AppSettings.Value.Data.AppSecretKey + body).Sha256Base64()
so hash and body are concatenated in different orders.
November 1, 2018, 3:56pm
Solved !
String + string !== $(string string)
Good to know.
Really? Is it not the order that is the problem? Have you tested
(body + AppSettings.Value.Data.AppSecretKey).Sha256Base64()