I’m currently developping a webhook.
I thunk there is a problem (maybe it’s a feature ?)
I get exactly the same thing when I update a published page, or a draft on a published page…
Here is what I’m doing :
- create a new Draft content :
- update and save the draft => type : Updated / status : Draft (normal)
- publish the draft => type : Published / status : Published (normal)
- update and save the content => type : Updated / status : Published (normal)
- create a new Draft => type : Created / status : Published (normal )
- update and save the draft => type : Updated / status : Published (normal )
How can I make the difference between the update of a draft on a published content and the direct update of a published content ?
note : the saved modification on the draft does not appear when I get the content, as expected
hope I’ve been clear enough
PS : congratulations for the job, I discovered squidex recently, it’s a great software