hello there, i have this JSON in cloned Squidex test app:
"mode": {
* Use this flag to set Squidex to readonly, e.g. when you deploy a second instance for migration.
"isReadonly": false
"urls": {
* Set the base url of your application, to generate correct urls in background process.
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:53851/",
* Set it to true to redirect the user from http to https permanently.
"enforceHttps": false
"etags": {
* Set to true, to use strong etags.
"strong": false
"ui": {
* Regex suggestions for the UI
"regexSuggestions": {
// Regex for emails.
"Email": "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$",
// Regex for phone numbers.
"Phone": "^\\(*\\+*[1-9]{0,3}\\)*-*[1-9]{0,3}[-. /]*\\(*[2-9]\\d{2}\\)*[-. /]*\\d{3}[-. /]*\\d{4} *e*x*t*\\.* *\\d{0,4}$",
// Regex for slugs (e.g. hello-world).
"Slug": "^[a-z0-9]+(\\-[a-z0-9]+)*$",
// Regex for urls.
"Url": "^(?:http(s)?:\\/\\/)?[\\w.-]+(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]+)+[\\w\\-\\._~:\\/?#%[\\]@!\\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;=.]+$"
"map": {
* Define the type of the geolocation service.
* Supported: GoogleMaps, OSM
"type": "OSM",
"googleMaps": {
* The optional google maps API key. CREATE YOUR OWN PLEASE.
"key": "AIzaSyB_Z8l3nwUxZhMJykiDUJy6bSHXXlwcYMg"
"robots": {
* The text for the robots.txt file
"text": "User-agent: *\nAllow: /api/assets/*"
"healthz": {
"gc": {
* The maximum number of megabyte that the process can consume until it is marked as not healthy.
"threshold": 4096
"contentsController": {
* Enable surrogate keys as headers.
* Nginx Has problems with long headers. It might make sense to disable this feature if you do not use a CDN.
"enableSurrogateKeys": true,
* Restrict the surrogate keys to results that have less than 200 items.
"maxItemsForSurrogateKeys": 200
"content": {
* The maximum number of items to return for each query.
* Warning: Use pagination and not large number of items.
"maxResults": 200
"assets": {
* The maximum number of items to return for each query.
* Warning: Use pagination and not large number of items.
"maxResults": 200,
* The maximum file size in bytes. Default: 5MB
"maxSize": 5242880
"logging": {
* Setting the flag to true, enables well formatteds json logs.
"human": true,
* Set to true, to use colors.
"colors": true
"assetStore": {
* Define the type of the read store.
* Supported: Folder (local folder), MongoDb (GridFS), GoogleCloud (hosted in Google Cloud only), AzureBlob.
"type": "Folder",
"folder": {
* The relative or absolute path to the folder to store the assets.
"path": "C:/"
"googleCloud": {
* The name of the bucket in google cloud store.
"bucket": "squidex-assets"
"azureBlob": {
* The name of the container in the Azure Blob Storage
"containerName": "squidex-assets",
* The connection string to the azure storage service.
"connectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
"mongoDb": {
* The connection string to your Mongo Server.
* Read More: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
"configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
* The name of the event store database.
"database": "SquidexAssets",
* The name of the Mongo Grid FS bucket.
"bucket": "fs"
* Allow to expose the url in graph ql url.
"exposeSourceUrl": false
"orleans": {
* Define the clustering type.
* Supported: MongoDB, Development
"clustering": "MongoDb",
* The port is used to share messages between all cluster members. Must be accessible within your cluster or network.
"siloPort": "11111",
* The ports used by Orleans to connect to external clients. Not used.
"gatewayPort": "40000"
"eventStore": {
* Define the type of the event store.
* Supported: MongoDb, GetEventStore
"type": "MongoDb",
"mongoDb": {
* The connection string to your Mongo Server.
* Read More: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
"configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
* The name of the event store database.
"database": "Squidex"
"getEventStore": {
* The connection string to your EventStore.
* Read Mode: http://docs.geteventstore.com/dotnet-api/4.0.0/connecting-to-a-server/
"configuration": "ConnectTo=tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113; HeartBeatTimeout=500; MaxReconnections=-1",
* The host name of your EventStore where projection requests will be sent to.
"projectionHost": "localhost",
* Prefix for all streams and projections (for multiple installations).
"prefix": "squidex"
"eventPublishers": {
* Additional event publishers (advanced usage only): (Name => Config)
"allToRabbitMq": {
* Example:: Push all events to RabbitMq.
"type": "RabbitMq",
"configuration": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost/",
"exchange": "squidex",
"enabled": false,
"eventsFilter": ".*"
"store": {
* Define the type of the read store.
* Supported: MongoDb
"type": "MongoDb",
"mongoDb": {
* The connection string to your Mongo Server.
* Read More: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
"configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
* The database for all your content collections (one collection per app).
"contentDatabase": "SquidexContent",
* The database for all your other read collections.
"database": "Squidex"
"identity": {
* Enable password auth. Set this to false if you want to disable local login, leaving only 3rd party login options.
"allowPasswordAuth": true,
* Initial admin user.
"adminEmail": "",
"adminPassword": "",
* Client with all admin permissions.
"adminClientId": "",
"adminClientSecret": "",
* Settings for Google auth (keep empty to disable).
"googleClient": "1006817248705-t3lb3ge808m9am4t7upqth79hulk456l.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"googleSecret": "QsEi-fHqkGw2_PjJmtNHf2wg",
* Settings for Github auth (keep empty to disable).
"githubClient": "211ea00e726baf754c78",
"githubSecret": "d0a0d0fe2c26469ae20987ac265b3a339fd73132",
* Settings for Microsoft auth (keep empty to disable).
"microsoftClient": "b55da740-6648-4502-8746-b9003f29d5f1",
"microsoftSecret": "idWbANxNYEF4cB368WXJhjN",
* Settings for your custom oidc server.
"oidcName": "OIDC",
"oidcAuthority": "",
"oidcClient": "",
"oidcSecret": "",
* Lock new users automatically, the administrator must unlock them.
"lockAutomatically": false,
* The url to you privacy statements, if you host squidex by yourself.
"privacyUrl": "https://squidex.io/privacy"
"twitter": {
* The client id for twitter.
"clientId": "QZhb3HQcGCvE6G8yNNP9ksNet",
* The client secret for twitter.
"clientSecret": "Pdu9wdN72T33KJRFdFy1w4urBKDRzIyuKpc0OItQC2E616DuZD"
"news": {
* The app name where the news are stored.
"appName": "squidex-website",
* The credentials to the app (Readonly).
"clientId": "squidex-website:default",
"clientSecret": "QGgqxd7bDHBTEkpC6fj8sbdPWgZrPrPfr3xzb3LKoec="
"translations": {
* The deepl api key if you want to support automated translations.
"deeplAuthKey": ""
when the app is runing on ‘http://localhost:53851/’ this show me “Loading” and not advance.
any sugestions? sory for my BAD English.