Upgrading from Squidex 3.0 to latest


We are using Squidex from 2019.

Some Information about how Squidex is setup at our end

Squidex(v3.0-beta1) is installed using binaries in a windows VM and running with IIS. This was done in 2019

Recent issue which we faced :

We were using Azure Blob storage as “assetStore” and configured the connectionstring and container details in appsettings.json
Recently, from last couple of weeks, squidex was not functioning properly and when we tried enabling logging and analysed it, we got to know that
Nuget package “WindowsAzure.Storage” is depricated and call to Azure blob storage was failing.

Temporary fix :
Since we did not had much blob files, we changed the “assetStore” configuration to FolderType and copied all the blobs from blobstorage to a asset folder.
It started working now.

Need help on migrating/upgrading the whole squidex
We would like to upgrade the squidex to latest version, so that we do not get any other depricated package issue.
What do you suggest? should we go to latest 5 version ? Do we have any migration documenation /path especially for existing Mongo DB ?

Also we faced lot of challenges to identify the issue with just binaries. we prefer to take the decided version code base from github
and deploy from the build generated insted of directly installing the binaries. ANy thoughts about it ?

Also we have provision to use AWS S3 for asset store with latest variant right ?

Your feedback will be helpful

Squidex has builtin migration process. I would make a backup of your database and then just deploy a new version. If it does not work, I can also have a look.