could you please help understanding an issue with an oauth token?
I valid token (that was issued 27 days ago) stopped working today and we can’t understand what caused it.
I have…
[ x ] Checked the logs and have provided the logs if I found something suspicious there
I’m submitting a…
[x ] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
[x ] Bug report
Current behavior
Client-id: matmatch-cms:prod
Several tokens were issued on October-12 (that is 27 days ago):
our timestamp for one of the tokens is: 2019-10-12 03:07:23.451
However, today we started getting - Unauthorized 401 errors for each request.
Expected behavior
In order to avoid this error in the next 27 days - understand where the issue is.
In general I would not make any assumptions about the token lifetime and just try to build a retry feature. You can acquire tokens as often as you want.
Here is how I handle it in .NET library:
I acquire a token, put in the cache for 30 days. When I get a 401 I remove it from the cache again so that the next call will start with a fresh token. You can also have one token per machine if you have a load balancer.