Unable to sync app with CLI

I had downloaded cli-v8.0.0, and I used Squidex 6.5.

The app client hasowner role.

I have to copy the schemas and the workflow from stage to production. When I tried to sync out the stage it gave me an error.
Log sync error

  • [ V] Checked the logs and have uploaded a log file and provided a link because I found something suspicious there. Please do not post the log file in the topic because very often something important is missing.

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  • [ X] Self hosted with docker
  • [ ] Self hosted with IIS
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Version: 6.5 squidex, cli-v8.0.0


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Are you sure your CLI config is correct? This looks like a normal error message.

To be sure to add the app in the config I copied the client url indicated in the settings,
before there was an error in the name of the app, but now it crashes to the schemas giving a 403

It really sounds like something is wrong with your config.

What could I have been doing wrong? The assets downloaded them, the schemas did not

The logs say that assets could not be downloaded.

I have updated the log, the first problem was an error in app name, now the error is in schemas sync

403 is a permission problem. Ensure that you give enough permissions to your client.

I deleted the connection and create a new connection, always with Owner role, and now is ok.
Sorry for that.

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