Unable to define custom roles within squidex

In your documentation it states that I can create custom roles:

Unfortunately I am unable to see this in my self hosted instance of squidex even whilst logged in as the administrator.


Is this feature still available if so how can I achieve this.

I just checked it in the cloud, which has the newest version and I am able to see the data there.

Can you make a screenshot of the settings menu item?

Here you are :slight_smile:

In the admin view I also can’t see permissions. ( I would upload a screen shot but it contains email addresses)


Have you tried to logout and login again?

Yep just tried this and just tried in a new incognito window but my issue still persists.

In the local storage of your browser should be an entry with an id_token and access_token. Can you send me this via PM?

Yep will do this now.

Thank you. I can still not see the issue. Btw: Which version are you using?

Another thing:

When you reload the UI it also loads all apps with the associated roles. Can you send me the json of this endpoint? The url should be http(s):domain/api/apps

Where can I find out what version I’m using or are you referring to which app I’m currently using?

If the latter I’m currently using the modbenefitscalculatoruat app.

When I try to hit the https://mod-squidex-sandbox.cloudapps.digital/api/apps/ I just get a 500 error.

Anything else I can try?

(note I tried accessing the above url in postman and in the browser)

If you just open the network tab in your browser and reload the UI you should be able to see the result.

ahhh here you are:

I would try to migrate to a newer version of squidex, e.g. https://github.com/Squidex/squidex/releases/tag/v1.16.0

Your JSON looks like an older version.

OK cool thanks for your help.