Unable to cancel the current subscription in order to switch to a team subscription


Recently, we were trying to change the application’s subscription to the team’s subscription and update the card saved on the account.

However, we are unable to cancel the current subscription, even though I am the owner. Could you please assist us?

What happens? I need more details here.

When we try to switch the current subscription for the team subscription, an error occurs that instructs us to cancel the current subscription in advance:

" * Subscription must be cancelled first before the app can be transfered."

When we attempt to cancel the current subscription, that is, change it to the free plan, the Squidex portal displays the following message, even in situations where I am the owner:

" You have not created the subscription, therefore you cannot change the plan. Owner: Gilmar Santos."

This action is also necessary for two other applications that are facing the same issue.

I can cancel the subscription for you. The ownership does not really matter here, it is more like a subscription ownership that counts.


Can I send the names of the applications here? Or if you prefer, you can cancel the subscriptions that are associated with the application and not with the team.