Hi Sebastian,
I took a backup of my app in Squidex Cloud. I then restored it on my local machine where I have an older Squidex version (7.x.x) something I think. I noticed that in my schema if I go to UI —> List Fields, all my fields that I have configured in Squidex Cloud have been reset in my local Squidex installation. Is this due to incompatible Squidex versions you think or what could be the cause?
For comparison, could you try and restore my app in Squidex Cloud and see if it works there? What do I need to do? Create a new support ticket?
Yes, the field names are changed and the old version does not understand the new names and falls back to a default. There is nothing I can do at the moment.
It would be possible to write a CLI command to update the backup, but the priority is low.
Okay. It is fine, as long as it works in the same version. But I would like to test and verify it. I guess I will need to install a later version locally in order to test. Is 7.0.0 the lowest version where the fields will work?
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Tested with Squidex 7.16.0 and the UI / List Fields work as expected.
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