Squidex on Docker example problems


I followed this guide: https://docs.squidex.io/01-getting-started/installation/platforms/install-on-docker

I configured .env as follows:


And after running docker-compose up with the default docker-compose.yml I can see the following output:

squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:adminclientid": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:adminclientsecret": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:adminemail": "[redacted]",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:adminpassword": "[also redacted]",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:allowpasswordauth": "True",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:githubclient": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:githubsecret": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:googleclient": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:googlesecret": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:lockautomatically": "False",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:microsoftclient": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:microsoftsecret": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:microsofttenant": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcauthority": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcclient": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcgetclaimsfromuserinfoendpoint": "False",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcmetadataaddress": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcname": "OIDC",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidconsignoutredirecturl": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcresponsetype": "id_token",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcscopes:0": "email",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:oidcsecret": "",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:privacyurl": "https://squidex.io/privacy",
squidex_squidex_1  |     "identity:showpii": "True",

However when I open https://localhost:8443 in my browser I am presented with this screen:

And if I press the Login to Squidex-button:

It seems I can’t embed more than one image because I’m a new user. Anyway, there’s a popup that tries to navigate to https://localhost/identity-server/connect/authorize?client_id=[.....], which predictably fails. I added a screenshot of the popup in a reply below

I am just evaluating Squidex for a major governmental customer, so my experience with Squidex is very limited. As it stands, I am not sure how to proceed to be able to login and actually try out the functionality in Squidex. Do you have any ideas about what I am doing wrong?


Here’s the popup mentioned above:

You have to run it with https, Chrome does not allow some redirects anymore.

Hi @Sebastian, thanks for your quick reply. As you can see in my browser I am running this with HTTPS (although with an untrusted certificate on localhost). The popup is using the wrong port for some reason, and even if I copy and edit the URL in a new browser window and use the correct address (localhost:8443) it still fails.

What is the urls:baseUrl setting configured to?