Squidex login UI is distorted after upgrading it

Hi Sebastian,

We upgraded the Squidex version (details below), however, we have encountered two issue one is UI issue on the login page and some websockets connection failed errors in the console (see screenshot below).


Old version - FRAMEWORK_VERSION=6.0
New version - FRAMEWORK_VERSION=8.0

Old version - squidex-base:3.1.204-ltsc2019
New version - squidex-base:3.1.549-ltsc2019

I think this has nee reported before and fixed

could you please share that reported topic link here?

Sorry, I was wrong. Which version are you talking about exactly? I think the cloud does not have the problem. So it is probably something else.

We upgraded the Squidex version to “squidex-base:3.1.549-ltsc2019” and FRAMEWORK_VERSION=8.0

3.1 is super old. Are you sure about that? There will not be any fixes.

yes, this version won’t resolve the websocket issue either?

below is the complete docker file for the reference, right side is the changed version.

Could you let us know which version resolves the Websocket and Login UI issues?

I am still confused by your versions. 3.1 is very old. There was no web sockets or something like that. Either you use different versioning, then I have to know the mapping, or you actually use 3.1. But then there would be no fix and an upgrade will probably be a huge task.

Hi Sebastian,
I am sorry for any confusion this may have caused; “7.14.0” is the correct Squidex version that we upgraded to, and the only issue we are now facing is the login UI.

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Just to confirm 3.1.x is our current internal version.

The error I am seeing in the console is:
“The stylesheet https://<>/styles.css was not loaded because its MIME type, “text/html”, is not “text/css”.”

I can see 7.15.0 has some fixes for the login page, can you recall an issue like this with v7.14.0 or is this likely something to do with our configuration/setup?

I have not changed anything to the styling. Are you sure that you get any css at all and not just the fallback page? Because by default it falls back to the index.html to make the SPA working.

we upgraded Squidex to v7.14.0 and after that Squidex login UI screen is breaking. see below screenshot

I got that, but it does not answer any of my questions. The cloud does not have the issue, so it might have been fixed already in v7.15.0 or it is a deployment issue somehow.

The e2e tests that run with every commit also make a screenshot of the login page. Therefore I think it is more likely to be deployment error. This is the reference image: squidex/tools/e2e/snapshots/login.spec.ts-snapshots/visual-test-1-logged-out-win32.png at master · Squidex/squidex · GitHub

Hi. Can you provide me the file name of the CSS file again?

styles.css, is that the file you mean?

No, I mean the hash that is added after the file name. Like the full file name, that is added when you inspect the code from the angular app.