Hi Sebastian,
Doing some research regarding wheather or not I should use one or multiple Algolia indexes for a multilingual web site.
Currently I have 1 Algolia index. And only 1 language (Swedish) in Squidex.
From the Squidex docs:
"id": "01",
"created": "2017-02-25T19:56:35Z",
"createdBy": "...",
"lastModified": "2017-02-25T19:56:35Z",
"lastModifiedBy": "...",
"data": {
"name": {
"en": "Copenhagen",
"sv": "Köpenhamn",
"fi": "Kööpenhamina",
"population": {
"iv": 1400000
If using the above structure all languages would end up in the same Algolia index as 1 record.
Algolia said to me a couple of minutes ago:
Check this
: https://discourse.algolia.com/t/support-multiple-languages-in-search/3958
And then we ended the conversation by them saying:
Generally, the best is to have one index per language as this won’t interfere with your relevancy
So I’m kinda not sure what the best option would be here combining Squidex + Algolia and make them play nicely with 0 dupes and as little overhead as possible.
I don’t want any dupe records.
I want the same front-end.
I need english as master lang.
I need swedish to be an optional lang.
And that’s it for now I think.
In the future if I need to add additional languages this should be doable in ones sleep.
Thanks in advance and hope you can give some usefull tips.
Edit 1: Found this as well - just adding it for reference: https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/optimize-search-results/handling-natural-languages-nlp/how-to/multilingual-search/
Edit 2:
From the Algolia docs:
There are different ways to handle multiple languages in search. To determine the best solution for you, answer the following questions:
Does the ranking need to be different for each language? There are a couple of reasons the ranking might need to change depending on the language:
- The price is not the same in different countries (and you want to sort by price) <=== I NEED THIS!
- The object doesn’t have the same popularity in all regions of the world (and you have popularity scores per region) <=== I NEED THIS TOO!
In other words, you’ll need two indices if:
- You have a different ranking strategy depending on the language
So I guess I must use two indexes then.
But what about Squidex and the dupe data?