Squidex cloud down?

I have…

  • [ ] Checked the logs and have uploaded a log file and provided a link because I found something suspicious there. Please do not post the log file in the topic because very often something important is missing.

I’m submitting a…

  • [ ] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
  • [x] Bug report
  • [x] Performance issue
  • [ ] Documentation issue or request

Current behavior

Squidex cloud returns 522.

Expected behavior

A working Squidex Cloud. :wink:

Minimal reproduction of the problem

Just open the dashboard of the cloud version.


  • [ ] Self hosted with docker
  • [ ] Self hosted with IIS
  • [ ] Self hosted with other version
  • [x] Cloud version

Version: cloud


  • [x] Chrome (desktop)
  • [ ] Chrome (Android)
  • [ ] Chrome (iOS)
  • [ ] Firefox
  • [x] Safari (desktop)
  • [ ] Safari (iOS)
  • [ ] IE
  • [ ] Edge

Am I the only one? Luckily the API still seems to work. :sweat_smile:

Sorry. I have seen it but it was resolved automatically after a few minutes.

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