Squidex 7.5: Failed to make the update. Another user has made a change. Please reload

I have…

I’m submitting a…

  • [ ] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
  • [ x ] Bug report
  • [ ] Performance issue
  • [ ] Documentation issue or request

Current behavior

Upgraded 4.0.7 to 7.5 about 3 months ago, restored backups.
Adding to a certain schema fails.
Failed to make the update. Another user has made a change. Please reload.

Expected behavior

Add new field to schema

Minimal reproduction of the problem



App Name:

  • [ ] Self hosted with docker
  • [ x ] Self hosted with IIS
  • [ ] Self hosted with other version
  • [ ] Cloud version

Version: [7.5.0]

  • Squidex: 7.5

  • MongoDB: 4.0.10

  • .NET SDK:
    Version: 7.0.203

  • Runtime Environment:
    OS Name: ubuntu
    OS Version: 18.04
    OS Platform: Linux
    RID: ubuntu.18.04-x64
    Base Path: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/7.0.203/

    Version: 7.0.5
    Architecture: x64


  • [ ] Chrome (desktop)
  • [ ] Chrome (Android)
  • [ ] Chrome (iOS)
  • [ ] Firefox
  • [ ] Safari (desktop)
  • [ ] Safari (iOS)
  • [ ] IE
  • [ ] Edge


I have tried:
Refreshing Browser, Log out & in,
Restarting MongoDB,
Restarting Squidex,

Chrome network Tab error:

    "message": "Entity (fca29555-df44-43d1-a77e-0beadca86237--e41cf7d0-6b70-46c7-bd14-1b2a5a208797) requested version 434, but found 444.",
    "traceId": "00-e8f27479b3dbbc78ab970e9f53b88ac3-e79f9d0b62f9288d-01",
    "type": "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7231#section-6.5.10",
    "statusCode": 412



"clustering": {
  // Defines whether the current instance is a worker. You should have only one worker in your deployment.
 "worker": true


"rebuild": {
  // Set to true to rebuild apps.
  "apps": true,

  // Set to true to rebuild assets.
  "assets": true,

  // Set to true to create dummy asset files if they do not exist. Useful when a backup fail.
  "assetFiles": true,

  // Set to true to rebuild contents.
  "contents": true,

  // Set to true to rebuild rules.
  "rules": true,

  // Set to true to rebuild schemas.
  "schemas": true,
  // Indexes ?
  "indexes": true

Why have you set all rebuild options to true? This is more like a recovery option and I was actually hoping that it would solve your problem. Do you see the stack trace of this error in your container logs?

Hi Sebastian,
I was hoping the same thing hence why I changed these settings (to all true) and restarted the Squidex Service.
No I dont see the stack trace. I can see the POST request trying to be made but that is it.

I was wondering if setting the app mode to "isReadonly": true, restarting it, and setting it back to false if that would do the trick ?

Are you sure your environment variables are named properly?

Yes, based on version 7.5.0 appsettings.json

It would be more clever to show your env variables.

Hi Sebastian

"mode": {
    // Use this flag to set Portal to readonly, e.g. when you deploy a second instance for migration.
    "isReadonly": false

"urls": {
    // Set the base url of your application, to generate correct urls in background process.
    "baseUrl": "https://<url>/",
    // "baseUrl": "http://localhost:5000/",

    // The base path when running Portal behind a reverse proxy like nginx under a subfolder / subpath.
    "basePath": "./",

    // Set it to true to redirect the user from http to https permanently.
    "enforceHttps": true,

    // Set it to true to return a 400 if the host does not match.
    "enforceHost": false,

    //  A list of known proxies to make forward headers safer.
    "knownProxies": [

    // Set it to true to use the X-Forwarded- headers for host name and scheme.
    "enableForwardHeaders": true,

    // A list of trusted hosts for redirects.
    "trustedHosted": []

"fullText": {
    // Define the type of the full text store.
    // SUPPORTED: elastic (ElasticSearch), azure (Azure Cognitive Search), default. Default: default
    "type": "default",

    "elastic": {
        // The configuration to your elastic search cluster.
        // Read More: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/javascript-api/current/client-configuration.html
        "configuration": "http://localhost:9200",

        // The name of the index.
        "indexName": "squidex",

        // True, to use the Open Search client.
        "openSearch": false

    "azure": {
        // The URL to your azure search instance.
        // Read More: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-create-service-portal#get-a-key-and-url-endpoint
        "serviceEndpoint": "https://<name>.search.windows.net",

        // The api key. See link above.
        "apiKey": "",

        // The name of the index.
        "indexName": "squidex"

// Define optional paths to plugins.
"plugins": [

"caching": {
    // Set to true, to use strong etags.
    "strongETag": false,

    // Restrict the surrogate keys to the number of characters.
    "maxSurrogateKeysSize": 0,

    "replicated": {
        // Set to true to enable a replicated cache for app, schemas and rules. Increases performance but reduces consistency.
        "enable": true

    "domainObjects": {
        // The cache duration for domain objects.
        "cacheDuration": "00:10:00"

"messaging": {
    "type": "MongoDb"

"scripting": {
    // The timeout for the whole script execution.
    "timeoutExecution": "00:00:04",

    // The timeout for the synchronous part of the script.
    "timeoutScript": "00:00:00.200"

"languages": {
    // Use custom languages where the key is the language code and the value is the english name.
    "custom": ""

"rules": {
    // The timeout to execute rule actions.
    "executionTimeoutInSeconds": 10,

    // The cache duration for rules.
    "rulesCacheDuration": "00:00:10"

"ui": {
    // Regex suggestions for the UI
    "regexSuggestions": {
        // Regex for emails.
        "Email": "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&’*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$",
        // Regex for phone numbers.
        "Phone": "^\\(*\\+*[1-9]{0,3}\\)*-*[1-9]{0,3}[-. /]*\\(*[2-9]\\d{2}\\)*[-. /]*\\d{3}[-. /]*\\d{4} *e*x*t*\\.* *\\d{0,4}$",
        // Regex for slugs (e.g. hello-world).
        "Slug": "^[a-z0-9]+(\\-[a-z0-9]+)*$",
        // Regex for urls.
        "Url": "^(?:http(s)?:\\/\\/)?[\\w.-]+(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]+)+[\\w\\-\\._~:\\/?#%[\\]@!\\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;=.]+$"

    // True if only admins should be able to create apps.
    "onlyAdminsCanCreateApps": true,

    "map": {
        // Define the type of the geolocation service.
        // SUPPORTED: GoogleMaps, OSM
        "type": "OSM",

        "googleMaps": {
            // The optional google maps API key. CREATE YOUR OWN PLEASE.
            "key": "<KEY>"

    // Redirect to login automatically.
    "redirectToLogin": false,

    // Hide the news dialog.
    "hideNews": true,

    // Hide all onboarding tooltips and dialogs.
    "hideOnboarding": true,

    // Hide the today and now button.
    "hideDateButtons": false,

    // Hide the Local/UTC button
    "hideDateTimeModeButton": false,

    // Show the exposed values as information on the apps overview page.
    "showInfo": false,

    // The number of content items for dropdown selector.
    "referencesDropdownItemCount": 100

"email": {
    "smtp": {
        // The host name to your email server.
        "server": "<smtp>",

        // The sender email address.
        "sender": "<sendername>",

        // The username to authenticate to your email server.
        "username": "<username>",

        // The password to authenticate to your email server.
        "password": "<passw>",

        // Always use SSL if possible.
        "enableSsl": true,

        // The port to your email server.
        "port": <port>
    "notifications": {
        // The email subject when a new user is added as contributor to an app.
        "newUserSubject": "<newSubject>",

        // The email body when a new user is added as contributor to an app.
        "newUserBody": "<newBody>",

        // The email subject when an existing user is added as contributor to an app.
        "existingUserSubject": "<subject>",

        // The email body when an existing user is added as contributor to an app.
        "existingUserBody": "<body>",

        // The email subject when a new user is added as contributor to a team.
        "newUserTeamSubject": "<subject>",

        // The email body when a new user is added as contributor to a team.
        "newUserTeamBody": "<body>",

        // The email subject when an existing user is added as contributor to a team.
        "existingTeamUserSubject": "<subject>",

        // The email body when an existing user is added as contributor to a team.
        "existingTeamUserBody": "<body>",

        // The email subject when app usage reached
        "usageSubject": "<subject>",

        // The email body when app usage reached
        "usageBody": "<body>"

// Configure notifo if you want to have support for custom notifications.
"notifo": {
    // The ID of the app in notifo.
    "appId": "",
    // The API key for your app in notifo.
    "apiKey": "",
    // The API URL.
    "apiUrl": "https://app.notifo.io"

"robots": {
    // The text for the robots.txt file
    "text": "User-agent: *\nAllow: /api/assets/*"

"apps": {
    // True to delete apps permanently.
    // This process can take a while and is executed in the background.
    "deletePermanent": false

"contents": {
    // True to enable memory caching.
    // This is only supported in GraphQL with the @cache(duration: 1000) directive.
    "canCache": true,

    // True to enable an optimization for self hosting.
    // Creates one database per app and one collection per schema. Slows down inserts, but you can create custom indexes.
    "optimizeForSelfHosting": false,

    // False to not use transactions. Improves performance.
    // Warning: Can cause consistency issues.
    "useTransactions": false,

    // The default page size if not specified by a query.
    // Warning: Can slow down queries if increased.
    "defaultPageSize": 1000,

    // The maximum number of items to return for each query.
    // Warning: Use pagination and not large number of items.
    "maxResults": 1000,

    // The timeout when searching for single items in the database.
    "timeoutFind": "00:00:01",

    // The timeout when searching for multiple items in the database.
    "timeoutQuery": "00:00:05"

"assets": {
    // True to enable memory caching.
    // This is only supported in GraphQL with the @cache(duration: 1000) directive.
    "canCache": true,

    // The default page size if not specified by a query.
    // Warning: Can slow down queries if increased.
    "defaultPageSize": 500,

    // The maximum number of items to return for each query.
    // Warning: Use pagination and not large number of items.
    "maxResults": 500,

    // The maximum file size in bytes. Default: 5MB
    "maxSize": 5242880,

    // True to delete assets recursively.
    "deleteRecursive": true,

    // True to delete assets files permanently.
    "deletePermanent": false,

    // The timeout when searching for single items in the database.
    "timeoutFind": "00:00:01",

    // The timeout when searching for multiple items in the database.
    "timeoutQuery": "00:00:05",

    // Create one folder per app.
    // WARNING: If you change this parameter, previous assets are not available anymore.
    "folderPerApp": false,

    // Points to another Squidex instance, which should be configured as resizer.
    "resizerUrl": ""

"logging": {
    // The log level of the implementation adapter.
    // Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Fatal
    "level": "Information",

    // The log level of the default log adapter.
    "logLevel": {
        "default": "Error",

        // Only logs issued tokens and general request information.
        "OpenIddict": "Warning",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
        "Microsoft.Identity": "Warning",
        "Runtime": "Warning"

    // Setting the flag to true, enables well formatteds json logs.
    "human": true,

    // Set to true, to use colors.
    "colors": true,

    // Set to false to disable logging of http requests.
    "logRequests": true,

    // False to disable the log store.
    "storeEnabled": true,

    // The number of days request log items will be stored.
    "storeRetentionInDays": 30,

    "stackdriver": {
      // True, to enable stackdriver integration.
      "enabled": false,

      // The ID of your Google Cloud project.
      "projectId": ""

    "otlp": {
        // True, to enable OpenTelemetry Protocol integration.
        "enabled": false,

        // The endpoint to the agent.
        "endpoint": "",

        // The sample rate as double. 0.5 writes every second trace.
        "sampling": 1.0

    "zipkin": {
        // True, to enable Zipkin integration.
        "enabled": false,

        "endpoint": "http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans"

    "applicationInsights": {
        // True, to enable application insights integraon.
        "enabled": false,

        "connectionString": "InstrumentationKey=[key];IngestionEndpoint=https://[datacenter].in.applicationinsights.azure.com/"

"diagnostics": {
    // The path to the dotnet-dump tool binary.
    // REMARKS: Will be set automatically in the official Docker image.
    "dumpTool": "",

    // When more memory is allocated that the defined value (in MB) a dump will be created once automatically and written to the asset store.
    "dumpTriggerInMB": 0,

    // The path to the dotnet-gcdump tool binary.
    // REMARKS: Will be set automatically in the official Docker image.
    "gcdumpTool": "",

    // When more memory is allocated than the defined value (in MB) a gcdump will be created once automatically and written to the asset store.
    "gcumpTriggerInMB": 0,

    "gc": {
        // The maximum number of megabyte that the process can consume until it is marked as not healthy.
        "threshold": 8192

"assetStore": {
    // Define the type of the read store. 
    // SUPPORTED: Folder (local folder), MongoDb (GridFS), GoogleCloud (hosted in Google Cloud only), AzureBlob, AmazonS3, FTP (not recommended).
    "type": "Folder",

    "folder": {
        // The relative or absolute path to the folder to store the assets.
        "path": "Assets"
    "googleCloud": {
        // The name of the bucket in google cloud store.
        "bucket": "squidex-assets"
    "azureBlob": {
        // The name of the container in the Azure Blob Storage
        "containerName": "squidex-assets",

        // The connection string to the azure storage service.
        "connectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
    "amazonS3": {
        // The url of the S3 API service. Leave it empty if using the one provided by Amazon
        "serviceUrl": "",

        // The name of your bucket.
        "bucket": "squidex-test",

        // The optional folder within the bucket.
        "bucketFolder": "squidex-assets",

        // The region name of your bucket.
        "regionName": "eu-central-1",

        // The access key for your user.
        // Read More: https://supsystic.com/documentation/id-secret-access-key-amazon-s3/
        "accessKey": "<MY_KEY>",

        // The secret key for your user.
        // Read More: https://supsystic.com/documentation/id-secret-access-key-amazon-s3/
        "secretKey": "<MY_SECRET>",

        // True, to disable the SigV4 payload signing.
        // This might be needed for some S3-compatible storage solutions, for example Cloudflare R2.
        "disablePayloadSigning": false,

        // Force path style property for AmazonS3Config
        "forcePathStyle": false
    "mongoDb": {
        // The connection string to your Mongo Server.
        // Read More: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
        // "configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
        "configuration": "mongodb://user:passw@localhost:27017",

        // The name of the event store database.
        "database": "SquidexAssets_7_5",

        // The name of the Mongo Grid FS bucket.
        "bucket": "fs"
    "ftp": {
        //The host of the ftp service
        "serverHost": "",

        //The host of the ftp service
        "serverPort": "21",

        // Credentials.
        "username": "",
        "password": "",

        // The relative or absolute path to the folder to store the assets.
        "path": "Assets"
    // Allow to expose the url in GraphQL URL.
    "exposeSourceUrl": false

"clustering": {
    // Defines whether the current instance is a worker. You should have only one worker in your deployment.
    "worker": true

"eventStore": {
    // Define the type of the event store. 
    // SUPPORTED: MongoDb
    "type": "MongoDb",

    "mongoDb": {
        // The connection string to your Mongo Server.
        // Read More: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
        // "configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
        "configuration": "mongodb://user:passw@localhost:27017",

        // The name of the event store database.
        "database": "Squidex_7_5"

"store": {
    // Define the type of the read store. 
    // SUPPORTED: MongoDb
    "type": "MongoDb",

    "mongoDb": {
        // The connection string to your Mongo Server.
        // Read More: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
        // "configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
        "configuration": "mongodb://user:passw@localhost:27017",

        // The database for all your content collections (one collection per app).
        "contentDatabase": "SquidexContent_7_5",

        // The database for all your other read collections.
        "database": "Squidex_7_5",

        // Defines how key-value-store values are represented in MongoDB (e.g. app, rule, schema).
        // SUPPORTED: Document, String, Binary (from slow to fast).
        "valueRepresentation": "Undefined",

        "atlas": {
            // The organization id.
            "groupId": "",

            // The name of the cluster.
            "clusterName": "",

            // Credentials to your account.
            "publicKey": "",
            "privateKey": "",

            // True, if you want to enable mongo atlas for full text search instead of MongoDB.
            "fullTextEnabled": false

"identity": {
    // Set to true to show PII (Personally Identifiable Information) in the logs.
    "showPII": true,

    // Enable password auth. Set this to false if you want to disable local login, leaving only 3rd party login options.
    "allowPasswordAuth": true,

    // Specifies whether to suppress the generation of X-Frame-Options header which is used to prevent ClickJacking.
    "suppressXFrameOptionsHeader": false,

    // Initial admin user.
    "adminEmail": "<email>",
    "adminPassword": "<passw>",

    // Recreate the admin if it does not exist or the password does not match.
    "adminRecreate": true,

    // Client with all admin permissions.
    "adminClientId": "",
    "adminClientSecret": "",

    // The apps which should be visible on the dashboard for the admin.
    "adminApps": [],

    // Settings for Google auth (keep empty to disable).
    "googleClient": "",
    "googleSecret": "",

    // Settings for Github auth (keep empty to disable).
    "githubClient": "",
    "githubSecret": "",

    // Settings for Microsoft auth (keep empty to disable).3
    // NOTE: Tennant is optional for using a specific AzureAD tenant
    "microsoftClient": "",
    "microsoftSecret": "",
    "microsoftTenant": null,

    // Set this to true if you use multiple domains.
    "multipleDomains": false,

    // Settings for your custom oidc server.
    "oidcName": "OIDC",
    "oidcAuthority": "",
    "oidcClient": "",
    "oidcSecret": "",
    "oidcMetadataAddress": "",
    "oidcScopes": [
    "oidcResponseType": "id_token", // or "code"
    "oidcGetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint": false,
    "oidcOverridePermissionsWithCustomClaimsOnLogin": false,
    "oidcOnSignoutRedirectUrl": "",

    // Lock new users automatically, the administrator must unlock them.
    "lockAutomatically": false,

    // The url to you privacy statements, if you host squidex by yourself.
    "privacyUrl": "https://<url>/privacy-policy"

"news": {
    // The app name where the news are stored.
    "appName": "news-website",

    // The credentials to the app (Readonly).
    "clientId": "<id>",
    "clientSecret": "<secret>"

"translations": {
    "deepl": {
        // The deepl api key if you want to support automated translations.
        "authKey": "",
        "mapping": {
            "zh-TW": "zh-TW",
            "zh-CN": "zh-CN"

    "googleCloud": {
        // The google cloud project id if you want to support automated translations.
        "projectId": ""

"rebuild": {
    // Set to true to rebuild apps.
    "apps": false,

    // Set to true to rebuild assets.
    "assets": false,

    // Set to true to create dummy asset files if they do not exist. Useful when a backup fail.
    "assetFiles": false,

    // Set to true to rebuild contents.
    "contents": false,

    // Set to true to rebuild rules.
    "rules": false,

    // Set to true to rebuild schemas.
    "schemas": false,
    // Indexes ?
    "indexes": false

// A list of configuration values that should be exposed from the info endpoint and in the UI.
"exposedConfiguration": {
    "version": "squidex:version"

// Kafka Producer configuration
"kafka": {
    "bootstrapServers": ""

// The client information for twitter.
"twitter": {
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": ""

// Tthe template repositories
"templates": {
    "repositories": [
            // The url to download readme files.
            "contentUrl": "",

            // The url to the git repository.
            "gitUrl": ""


This are just the default appSettings.json. No idea why you post that.

Hi Sebastian,

I are am not sure to what you are referring then ?
We have tried:

  1. Restarted the Squidex.dll
  2. Backup and restore using Squidex
  3. Setting to read only mode, backup & restore, this crashed our mongo, so I reverted the setting back.

We aren’t sure on what to attempt next as there are multiple schema’s effected.
We assume the issue was because of a backup and restore using a mongo dump and not the UI.

What I meant: Squidex prints out the actual config at start. It would have made more sense to print that.

I think the only option here is to send me a copy of your database and I can have a look, when Ihave time.

1 Like
"logLevel": "Information",
"message": "Application started",
"environment": {
    "applicationname": "Squidex",
    "apps:deletepermanent": "False",
    "aspnetcore_environment": "Production",
    "assets:cancache": "True",
    "assets:defaultpagesize": "500",
    "assets:deletepermanent": "False",
    "assets:deleterecursive": "True",
    "assets:folderperapp": "False",
    "assets:maxresults": "500",
    "assets:maxsize": "5242880",
    "assets:resizerurl": "",
    "assets:timeoutfind": "00:00:01",
    "assets:timeoutquery": "00:00:05",
    "assetstore:amazons3:accesskey": "\u003CMY_KEY\u003E",
    "assetstore:amazons3:bucket": "squidex-test",
    "assetstore:amazons3:bucketfolder": "squidex-assets",
    "assetstore:amazons3:disablepayloadsigning": "False",
    "assetstore:amazons3:forcepathstyle": "False",
    "assetstore:amazons3:regionname": "eu-central-1",
    "assetstore:amazons3:secretkey": "\u003CMY_SECRET\u003E",
    "assetstore:amazons3:serviceurl": "",
    "assetstore:azureblob:connectionstring": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
    "assetstore:azureblob:containername": "squidex-assets",
    "assetstore:exposesourceurl": "False",
    "assetstore:folder:path": "Assets",
    "assetstore:ftp:password": "",
    "assetstore:ftp:path": "Assets",
    "assetstore:ftp:serverhost": "",
    "assetstore:ftp:serverport": "21",
    "assetstore:ftp:username": "",
    "assetstore:googlecloud:bucket": "squidex-assets",
    "assetstore:mongodb:bucket": "fs",
    "assetstore:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://<user>:<password>@localhost:27017",
    "assetstore:mongodb:database": "SquidexAssets_Test_23",
    "assetstore:type": "Folder",
    "caching:domainobjects:cacheduration": "00:10:00",
    "caching:maxsurrogatekeyssize": "0",
    "caching:replicated:enable": "True",
    "caching:strongetag": "False",
    "clustering:worker": "True",
    "contentroot": "/www/wwwroot/<dir>/publish_7.5_04-23",
    "contents:cancache": "True",
    "contents:defaultpagesize": "1000",
    "contents:maxresults": "1000",
    "contents:optimizeforselfhosting": "False",
    "contents:timeoutfind": "00:00:01",
    "contents:timeoutquery": "00:00:05",
    "contents:usetransactions": "False",
    "diagnostics:dumptool": "",
    "diagnostics:dumptriggerinmb": "0",
    "diagnostics:gc:threshold": "8192",
    "diagnostics:gcdumptool": "",
    "diagnostics:gcumptriggerinmb": "0",
    "email:notifications:existingteamuserbody": "",
    "email:notifications:existingteamusersubject": "",
    "email:notifications:existinguserbody": "",
    "email:notifications:existingusersubject": "",
    "email:notifications:newuserbody": "",
    "email:notifications:newusersubject": "",
    "email:notifications:newuserteambody": "",
    "email:notifications:newuserteamsubject": "",
    "email:notifications:usagebody": "",
    "email:notifications:usagesubject": "",
    "email:smtp:enablessl": "True",
    "email:smtp:password": "<password>",
    "email:smtp:port": "465",
    "email:smtp:sender": "<emailAddress>",
    "email:smtp:server": "smtp.gmail.com",
    "email:smtp:username": "<username>",
    "environment": "Production",
    "eventstore:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://<user>:<password>@localhost:27017",
    "eventstore:mongodb:database": "Squidex_Test_23",
    "eventstore:type": "MongoDb",
    "exposedconfiguration:version": "squidex:version",
    "fulltext:azure:apikey": "",
    "fulltext:azure:indexname": "squidex",
    "fulltext:azure:serviceendpoint": "https://\u003Cname\u003E.search.windows.net",
    "fulltext:elastic:configuration": "http://localhost:9200",
    "fulltext:elastic:indexname": "squidex",
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    "fulltext:type": "default",
    "home": "/home/www",
    "identity:adminclientid": "",
    "identity:adminclientsecret": "",
    "identity:adminemail": "<emailAddress>",
    "identity:adminpassword": "<adminPassword>",
    "identity:adminrecreate": "True",
    "identity:allowpasswordauth": "True",
    "identity:githubclient": "",
    "identity:githubsecret": "",
    "identity:googleclient": "",
    "identity:googlesecret": "",
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    "identity:oidcresponsetype": "id_token",
    "identity:oidcscopes:0": "email",
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    "identity:privacyurl": "https://<url>/privacy-policy",
    "identity:showpii": "True",
    "identity:suppressxframeoptionsheader": "False",
    "kafka:bootstrapservers": "",
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    "languages:custom": "",
    "logging:applicationinsights:connectionstring": "InstrumentationKey=[key];IngestionEndpoint=https://[datacenter].in.applicationinsights.azure.com/",
    "logging:applicationinsights:enabled": "False",
    "logging:colors": "True",
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    "logging:loglevel:default": "Error",
    "logging:loglevel:microsoft.aspnetcore": "Warning",
    "logging:loglevel:microsoft.identity": "Warning",
    "logging:loglevel:openiddict": "Warning",
    "logging:loglevel:runtime": "Warning",
    "logging:logrequests": "True",
    "logging:otlp:enabled": "False",
    "logging:otlp:endpoint": "",
    "logging:otlp:sampling": "1.0",
    "logging:stackdriver:enabled": "False",
    "logging:stackdriver:projectid": "",
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    "logging:storeretentionindays": "30",
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    "notifo:appid": "",
    "path": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin",
    "plugins:0": "Squidex.Extensions.dll",
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    "robots:text": "User-agent: *\nAllow: /api/assets/*",
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    "scripting:timeoutexecution": "00:00:04",
    "scripting:timeoutscript": "00:00:00.200",
    "shell": "/sbin/nologin",
    "store:mongodb:atlas:clustername": "",
    "store:mongodb:atlas:fulltextenabled": "False",
    "store:mongodb:atlas:groupid": "",
    "store:mongodb:atlas:privatekey": "",
    "store:mongodb:atlas:publickey": "",
    "store:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://<user>:<password>@localhost:27017",
    "store:mongodb:contentdatabase": "SquidexContent_Test_23",
    "store:mongodb:database": "Squidex_Test_23",
    "store:mongodb:valuerepresentation": "Undefined",
    "store:type": "MongoDb",
    "templates:repositories:0:contenturl": "",
    "templates:repositories:0:giturl": "",
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    "translations:deepl:mapping:zh-tw": "zh-TW",
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    "urls:knownproxies:0": "http://localhost:5000/",
    "user": "www"
"timestamp": "2023-08-14T07:01:51Z",
  "app": {
    "name": "Squidex",
    "version": "",
    "sessionId": "1a0e8532-f506-4cb0-b8f2-90419b89b90c"

Log then prints the following initialize arrays with a sessionIds:
Log then shows the following 2 objects with an array (initialize & start) that it initialises with a sessionId

  "logLevel": "Information",
  "initialize": [
    "Serializer (BSON)",
  "timestamp": "2023-08-14T07:01:51Z",
  "app": {
    "name": "Squidex",
    "version": "",
    "sessionId": "1a0e8532-f506-4cb0-b8f2-90419b89b90c"
  "logLevel": "Information",
  "start": [
  "timestamp": "2023-08-14T07:02:32Z",
  "app": {
    "name": "Squidex",
    "version": "",
    "sessionId": "1a0e8532-f506-4cb0-b8f2-90419b89b90c"

it continues with plugins

  "logLevel": "Information",
  "message": "Plugins loaded.",
  "action": "pluginsLoaded",
  "status": "Completed",
  "errors": [],
  "plugins": [
  "timestamp": "2023-08-14T07:02:33Z",
  "app": {
    "name": "Squidex",
    "version": "",
    "sessionId": "1a0e8532-f506-4cb0-b8f2-90419b89b90c"

GET Requests continues.

I’ll DM you the DB

Looks normal to me. I can have a look soon.