[SOLVED ]Squidex.ClientLibrary ... more samples / doc


It is a question (and maybe a feature request).

I’m currently using the Squidex.ClientLibrary C# lib, and try to get my first content, but there is not a lot of example / documentation about the use for the library.

By example:

  • Query for 1 language and not all (My website only display one language at a time, why reading all the translations each time !)
  • Is there some caching mechanism ?
  • When I have multiples language, and I do not use the InvariantConverter, I have an exception.
    So, how to fix it, why, how does it work ? A small example will help :stuck_out_tongue:


There is a little bit here: https://docs.squidex.io/02-documentation/software-development-kits/.net-standard

Thanks a lot,

But, is there a way to request only one language at a time ?

For now, I got a complete dictionary with 25 languages each time, which is useless. I wish to use the current user language by example !

Your question about languages are answered here:

If you use the following headers

X-Languages: de
X-Flatten: true

You can just use a plain c# object for your data without the InvariantConverter.

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