What was done:
Around 14.30 (Berlin time), to the schema (edu-content) definition were added two new field (ogImage and sideContentReferences)
After that old requests to Squidex API are started ending up in following error:
Squidex response {“errors”:[{“message”:“Cannot query field “internalIdTags” on type “EduContentDataDto”.”,“locations”:[{“line”:30,“column”:13}]},{“message”:“Cannot query field “materialCategoryTags” on type “EduContentDataDto”.”,“locations”:[{“line”:33,“column”:13}]}]}
The error means that internalIdTags and materialCategoryTags fields are not existing.
We definitely had these fields defined and in comparison to other fields were added quite recently (around 1 month ago).
In order to restore our website we had to define there two fields (internalIdTags and materialCategoryTags).
This solved the issues with the request to Squidex.
However (obviously) the content that were previously in the recreated fields were not restored.
The question is: is it possible to restore the data? Despite the changes in the schema from today (that isn’t important yet, since it was adding new fields that are not in use yet) we touched content of this schema on February-14.
I cannot find these fields in the history. I will send you a PM. The problem is that content is not stored with the field name but with the field id. Therefore it is not easy to restore these changes.
In each schema I create and increment a counter for all fields. Whenever a field is added an event is created and for each FieldAddedEvent this counter is incremented. But when I fixed your schema I had to remove 2 fields from the history and therefore the counter has the wrong value. So the new field got an old id and has overwritten your existing fields.
What I can do: I can “fix” the history by reassigning new ids to the new fields. I will use the ids of the deleted fields then it should match again.
Do you know when it is a good time to do it? I could fix it today at around 9pm.
It’s just an example showing that we had data in the internalIdTags and materialCategoryTags fields. However, as of now non of the content articles in the schema have internalIdTags and materialCategoryTags available.