I have…
- [x] Read the following guideline: https://docs.squidex.io/01-getting-started/installation/troubleshooting-and-support. I understand that my support request might get deleted if I do not follow the guideline.
I’m submitting a…
- [x] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
Current behavior
In the squidex UI, the localizable fields labels are not shown correctly anymore
Expected behavior
The field labels in the UI should be visible.
Minimal reproduction of the problem
View content in the squidex online UI.
App Name: sharescreen-africa
- [x] Cloud version
Version: ?
- [x] Chrome (desktop)
- [x] Brave (Linux)
Please see example of what is happening on localizable field labels. It does not show properly, however, it still looked fine a day or two ago.