[SOLVED] Keep filtered values in custom filter

My usage scenario is as follows:
I need to find and edit records with a specific characteristic, so I use a custom query.
I find the items I need, open the first one, and make the necessary edits, but when I return to the list view, I need to choose the same filters again to run custom query.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to maintain the values used in the custom query?

Custom query example

Which version do you use? Because I remember that there was a feature request for that. I cannot find it at the moment :frowning:

Hi @Sebastian
I’m using version 7.9.0

Hi @Sebastian
I will open a feature request

As I said: I think this has already been implemented in a newer release.

Hi, Sebastian.
It was implemented, but I think there’s a bug on this.

In the “content-page.component.ts”, the code falls on the “else” statement when i press the arrow button :

    public back() {
        if (this.previousUrl.pathStartsWith(`/app/${this.contentsState.appName}/content/${this.schema.name}`)) {
        } else {
            > this.router.navigate([this.schema.name], { relativeTo: this.route.parent!.parent, replaceUrl: true });

I just navigated to the content list page, applied a filter, entered in a content detail page, and clicked the arrow button to go back.

If I change this line of code to this.location.back(); the filter applied doesn’t disapear.

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This would not work. Because it just uses the history and if you come from another page with a deep link to your content you would go back to google and not to the contents list.

The previous URL was buggy. I have fixed that. Will be released soon.