is it a bug or my mistake ?
This is very likely a bug. Which MongoDB version do you use?
Can you run this command on MongoDB?
db.runCommand( { buildInfo: 1 } )
I use version 5.0
Thanks. It tries to parse the version and it fails because the version class only accepts numbers. I can provide a fix for that.
It happens only because you use a RC version.
But I have pushed a fix.
Thank you but it’s still not working. Maybe, I can fix, when change rc version ?
Which exception do you get now? And yes, you can solve it by using a stable version.
Then you are running the same code. I am not using the version class anymore that is part of your stacktrace.
I am so sorry but I did not understand what should I do.
I am not sure whether you have realled pulled the latest version. You are still running the old code.
I did not pull anything. Which “latest version” do you mean. You mean “docker-compose” or “back-end” code files.? I really sorry, I do not any experience with this technology.
I mean the source code on GitHub. If you use Git you have to pull it, otherwise you have to download it again
Thank you so much Sebastian. I am so sorry again I got your time. Thank you for everythig.
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