I have…
- [ X] Checked the logs and have provided the logs if I found something suspicious there
I’m submitting a…
- [ ] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
- [X ] Bug report
- [ ] Performance issue
- [ ] Documentation issue or request
Current behavior
After pulling down the latest code from the “master” branch… I did a dotnet restore and then…
Calling “dotnet run” from command line, startup fails
Expected behavior
It would work… sitting, waiting on port 5000
Minimal reproduction of the problem
- [ ] Self hosted with docker
- [ ] Self hosted with IIS
- [X ] Self hosted with other version
- [ ] Cloud version
Version: [VERSION]
Latest code on “master” branch
- [ ] Chrome (desktop)
- [ ] Chrome (Android)
- [ ] Chrome (iOS)
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] Safari (desktop)
- [ ] Safari (iOS)
- [ ] IE
- [ ] Edge
Error seen:
“logLevel”: “Fatal”,
“message”: “An error occurred starting the application”,
“eventId”: {
“id”: 9
“exception”: {
“type”: “System.AggregateException”,
“message”: “One or more errors occurred. (Element ‘Created’ does not match any field or property of class Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.MongoDb.Assets.MongoAssetEntity.)”,
“stackTrace”: " at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.HostedServiceExecutor.ExecuteAsync(Func`2 callback)\r\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.IHosting environment: Development
nternal.HostedServiceExecutor.StartAsync(CancellationToken token)"
“app”: {
“name”: “Squidex”,
“version”: “”,
“sessionId”: “e19f4e45-2e1e-46d9-988e-36fbb5c23031”
“timestamp”: “2019-08-20T22:51:59Z”,
“category”: “MContent root path: C:\Git\squidex\src\Squidex
Can you upload your full logs and send me the link?
Can you also check the Migration Collection in MongoDB? If it shows version 18, change it to 17 and restart it again.
Just checking Sebastian, is there an upgrade process that I need to do when running the 3.x codebase ?
it should upgrade automatically, but it has not done it. Therefore I am confused.
How would I go about doing this ?
You can use a mongo client like studio3t
Currently, the version is sitting at 14
Can you make a backup of Squidex database and send it to me?
Thank you. This was very helpful indeed. If you have time try the latest dev version please. I have pushed a fix.
Many thanks Sebastian, we are back up and running.
I did notice however that we now have an endless log of:
“logLevel”: “Trace”,
“action”: “HandleEvent”,
“actionId”: “e24d0444-5d8e-47eb-b29b-c3cb7f163e67”,
“status”: “Completed”,
“eventId”: “e24d0444-5d8e-47eb-b29b-c3cb7f163e67”,
“eventType”: “ContentUpdated”,
“eventConsumer”: “TextIndexer”,
“elapsedMs”: 2,
“app”: {
“name”: “Squidex”,
“version”: “”,
“sessionId”: “c7fa1f7f-aeef-4c1e-a76b-3aef1ca30cfd”
“timestamp”: “2019-08-22T15:46:05Z”
“logLevel”: “Information”,
“action”: “HandleEvent”,
“actionId”: “bc9bfec6-cf5d-4641-ad1d-d6dc09bf6106”,
“status”: “Started”,
“eventId”: “bc9bfec6-cf5d-4641-ad1d-d6dc09bf6106”,
“eventType”: “ContentUpdated”,
“eventConsumer”: “TextIndexer”,
“app”: {
“name”: “Squidex”,
“version”: “”,
“sessionId”: “c7fa1f7f-aeef-4c1e-a76b-3aef1ca30cfd”
“timestamp”: “2019-08-22T15:46:05Z”
They will stop after a while. They are updating the full text index in the background. You will just see them so often now, because the full text index has not been populated yet.
Awesome work Sebastian… many thanks for the help.
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