I have…
- [x] Read the following guideline: https://docs.squidex.io/01-getting-started/installation/troubleshooting-and-support. I understand that my support request might get deleted if I do not follow the guideline.
I’m submitting a…
- [ ] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
- [x] Bug report
- [ ] Performance issue
- [ ] Documentation issue or request
Current behavior
I created a new schema called content
When I published the new schema GraphQL queries stopped working.
Attempting to execute any GraphQL queries resulted in an error…
Error executing document.
Once I unpublished the schema things seemed to return to normal.
Expected behavior
GraphQL queries are unaffected when a new schema called content
is created.
Minimal reproduction of the problem
Create a new schema called content
- [x] Self hosted with docker
- [ ] Self hosted with IIS
- [ ] Self hosted with other version
- [ ] Cloud version