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Current behavior
Seems that dotnet sq sync in
deletes all contents field values of type “Components”.
Expected behavior
I expect I can do a dotnet sq sync out
and then a dotnet sq sync in
In real world I hope to do sync out, push to git, pull on other machine and then sync in.
Minimal reproduction of the problem
Create schema “test-component” with a single “text” field named “title”:
{ "previewUrls": {}, "properties": { "validateOnPublish": false }, "scripts": {}, "isPublished": true, "fieldRules": [], "fieldsInLists": [], "fieldsInReferences": [], "fields": [ { "name": "title", "properties": { "isRequired": false, "isRequiredOnPublish": false, "isHalfWidth": false, "fieldType": "String", "createEnum": false, "editor": "Input", "inlineEditable": false, "isEmbeddable": false, "isUnique": false, "contentType": "Unspecified" }, "isLocked": false, "isHidden": false, "isDisabled": false, "partitioning": "invariant" } ], "type": "Component" }
Create schema “test-content” with a single “components” field named “myTestComponents”:
{ "previewUrls": {}, "properties": { "validateOnPublish": false }, "scripts": {}, "isPublished": true, "fieldRules": [], "fieldsInLists": [], "fieldsInReferences": [], "fields": [ { "name": "myTestComponents", "properties": { "isRequired": false, "isRequiredOnPublish": false, "isHalfWidth": false, "fieldType": "Components", "calculatedDefaultValue": "EmptyArray", "minItems": 0, "maxItems": 10, "schemaIds": ["8e8771e1-135c-468b-b3d4-d7acc934b2b2"] }, "isLocked": false, "isHidden": false, "isDisabled": false, "partitioning": "invariant" } ], "type": "Default" }
Create a “test-content” item and add 3 components with the title “a”, “b”, “c” in the “myTestComponents” field.
dotnet sq sync out --app cli-test .\cli-sync-issue\data
files on disk looks fine:
{ "$schema": "./../__json/contents.json", "contents": [ { "schema": "test-content", "data": { "myTestComponents": { "iv": [ { "schemaId": "test-component", "title": "a", "schemaName": "test-component" }, { "schemaId": "test-component", "title": "b", "schemaName": "test-component" }, { "schemaId": "test-component", "title": "c", "schemaName": "test-component" } ] } }, "id": "62bf8283-0831-4ada-be6a-0332b5aec46e", "status": "Published" } ], "sourceApp": "cli-test", "sourceUrl": "https://cloud.squidex.io/" }
dotnet sq sync in --app cli-test .\cli-sync-issue\data
: -
output from cli:
* STEP 4 of 7: Importing Contents started Upserting #0/0... succeeded. * STEP 4 of 7: Importing Contents completed
the “myTestComponents” field is now empty
{ "id": "62bf8283-0831-4ada-be6a-0332b5aec46e", "createdBy": "subject:672e1301580f3c300b8cd4a2", "lastModifiedBy": "client:cli-test:default", "data": { "myTestComponents": { "iv": [] } } ... }
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Version: 7.15.0
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Others: no