Set to Archived at a later point date and time doesn't work on self hosted


I am trying to use the functionality of changing an item’s status at a point in time. Is there something that needs setting up on a self hosted environment in order for this to work?

Hosted on Azure using Docker container squidex/squidex:dev-3641 and MongoDB

Thanks in advance.

No, it should just work, but I will test it to be sure.


Was looking for a way to auto archive content but it seems to not be supported (from Archive/delete automatically) and found this post but I’m unable to find somewhere the feature to switch the content to archived at a later point date, can someone point me to where this setting is located ?



Do you not get this popup when changing the status of content?

If not you should check that the “Hide dialog for scheduled publishing” setting isn’t enabled on the App:

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