Send request using custom editor

Hi Sebastain,

Recently, I am trying to use custom editor to send http get request to api. Normally, when I filled the form info and click submit, the api will give me back a csv file. But when I apply the custom editor to Squidex, it does not have any response after I clicked the submit button. Is it related to HTTPS issue? Because the api does not have the certificate yet.

In the web host, clicked submit button then appear this page, I need to click “send anyway” to get my csv file.

Many thanks!

Have you checked your browser log?

And have you enabled CORS on your API server?

Yes, I added these code to my application.
maybe I misunderstanding the structure?

Have you also added the middleware?


Here is the log of browser:

Then it is not CORS :wink:

So am I need to add the certificate to the api for this issue? :thinking:

Yes, or you install the ASP.NET Core dev certificate. it should work out of the box.

just checked the program, there are some bug code over there, the issue was solved, thanks.

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