Hi Sebastain,
Recently, I am trying to use custom editor to send http get request to api. Normally, when I filled the form info and click submit, the api will give me back a csv file. But when I apply the custom editor to Squidex, it does not have any response after I clicked the submit button. Is it related to HTTPS issue? Because the api does not have the certificate yet.
In the web host, clicked submit button then appear this page, I need to click “send anyway” to get my csv file.
Many thanks!
Have you checked your browser log?
And have you enabled CORS on your API server?
Yes, I added these code to my application.
maybe I misunderstanding the structure?
Have you also added the middleware?
Here is the log of browser:
So am I need to add the certificate to the api for this issue?
Yes, or you install the ASP.NET Core dev certificate. it should work out of the box.
just checked the program, there are some bug code over there, the issue was solved, thanks.
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