Restoring deleted app

Hey Sebastian, :wave: we inadvertently deleted our dev app that was running on cloud Squidex. Any chance you could help us restore it, or its backups?


We found a way to restore app state from production. No help needed. Thanks :wink:

Oh, great, good to hear.

Sebastian, just for the record, would you have been able to save us in a similar situation?
The application backups live inside the application, once that one is gone, so are the backups.
Are these backups any different from regular sq sync out ?

Theoretically yes, because the app is just marked as deleted but I do not have a good tooling yet to make it in a convenient way.

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Regarding the backups, is there a difference between the application native defaults and the CLI ones?

No, it is the same, the CLI just triggers the API to make the backup.

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