Release date announcements

I have…

  • Read the following guideline: Troubleshooting and Support | Squidex. I understand that my support request might get deleted if I do not follow the guideline.
  • Used code blocks with ``` to format my code examples like JSON or logs properly.

I’m submitting a…

  • Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
  • Bug report
  • Performance issue
  • Documentation issue or request

Current behavior

Missing possibility to know timeline for upcoming releases.

Expected behavior

Would be great to have just a rough timeline for upcoming releases beside the roadmap. Is there any place where release dates are getting announced at the moment?

Sorry in case this question was answered anywhere else, I couldn’t find an answer by using the search and would be interested when the next release is planned, therefore I thought would be helpful to know for the future, thanks!

Minimal reproduction of the problem




App Name: n/a

  • Self hosted with docker
  • Self hosted with IIS
  • Self hosted with other version
  • Cloud version

Version: 7.13


  • Chrome (desktop)
  • Chrome (Android)
  • Chrome (iOS)
  • Firefox
  • Safari (desktop)
  • Safari (iOS)
  • IE
  • Edge


Whenever there are enough features that it makes sense and when it is well tested, I will make a release. There is no plan at the moment.

I should release more often tbh.

Thanks Sebastian,

absolutely no pressure, I was just curious. I have multiple projects, and while I upgraded the first from 7.6 to 7.13 there was an issue with contents not showing up anymore, which was then immediately fixed, but there’s still no 7.14. For this reason I was wondering, but I guess you’re quite busy :wink:

Thanks for the insights. I’ll wait for 7.14., I just don’t want to do the yearly upgrades to a dev-XXXX version.

Best regards,

If you just want to be notified when a new release is available, you can subscribe to the release notification GitHub repo. However, it is obviously not an advance notification.


Thanks @Jiri, I’ll do that.