Query operation taking too much time to execute

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Current behavior

I am trying to get data from Squidex using Squidex Client Library. It is taking more than 1.5 seconds to get the data. Below is the the data from mongodb profiler.

    op: 'query',
    ns: 'SquidexContent.States_Contents_Published3',
    command: {
      find: 'States_Contents_Published3',
      filter: {
        _si: { '$in': [ '5e2d6876-ff0f-49c3-9a74-340545e7daba' ] },
        'do.SectionId.iv': 121281
      limit: 20,
      returnKey: false,
      showRecordId: false,
      '$db': 'SquidexContent'
    keysExamined: 702501,
    docsExamined: 702501,
    cursorExhausted: true,
    numYield: 5544,
    nreturned: 6,
    locks: {
      Global: { acquireCount: { r: Long("5547") } },
      Database: { acquireCount: { r: Long("5545") } },
      Collection: { acquireCount: { r: Long("5545") } }
    storage: {
      data: {
        bytesRead: Long("164242947"),
        timeReadingMicros: Long("652784")
    responseLength: 5542,
    protocol: 'op_query',
    millis: 2615,
    planSummary: 'IXSCAN { _si: 1, dl: 1, mt: -1 }',
    execStats: {
      stage: 'LIMIT',
      nReturned: 6,
      executionTimeMillisEstimate: 2465,
      works: 702502,
      advanced: 6,
      needTime: 702495,
      needYield: 0,
      saveState: 5544,
      restoreState: 5544,
      isEOF: 1,
      invalidates: 0,
      limitAmount: 20,
      inputStage: {
        stage: 'FETCH',
        filter: { 'do.SectionId.iv': { '$eq': 121281 } },
        nReturned: 6,
        executionTimeMillisEstimate: 2445,
        works: 702502,
        advanced: 6,
        needTime: 702495,
        needYield: 0,
        saveState: 5544,
        restoreState: 5544,
        isEOF: 1,
        invalidates: 0,
        docsExamined: 702501,
        alreadyHasObj: 0,
        inputStage: {
          stage: 'IXSCAN',
          nReturned: 702501,
          executionTimeMillisEstimate: 597,
          works: 702502,
          advanced: 702501,
          needTime: 0,
          needYield: 0,
          saveState: 5544,
          restoreState: 5544,
          isEOF: 1,
          invalidates: 0,
          keyPattern: { _si: 1, dl: 1, mt: -1 },
          indexName: '_si_1_dl_1_mt_-1',
          isMultiKey: false,
          multiKeyPaths: { _si: [], dl: [], mt: [] },
          isUnique: false,
          isSparse: false,
          isPartial: false,
          indexVersion: 2,
          direction: 'forward',
          indexBounds: {
            _si: [
              '["5e2d6876-ff0f-49c3-9a74-340545e7daba", "5e2d6876-ff0f-49c3-9a74-340545e7daba"]'
            dl: [ '[MinKey, MaxKey]' ],
            mt: [ '[MaxKey, MinKey]' ]
          keysExamined: 702501,
          seeks: 1,
          dupsTested: 0,
          dupsDropped: 0,
          seenInvalidated: 0
    ts: ISODate("2022-11-10T12:51:29.899Z"),
    client: '',
    allUsers: [],
    user: ''

It is returning 3 records.

Below is the screenshot schema of Squidex

I am filtering the data on “SectionId”. Please let me know if I have to add index to that field, if yes then please help to index the field from Squidex.

Else please propose a solution.

Expected behavior

It should take less than a second to get the data

Minimal reproduction of the problem


App Name:

  • [ ] Self hosted with docker
  • [ x] Self hosted with IIS
  • [ ] Self hosted with other version
  • [ ] Cloud version

Squidex Version: 6.7.0
MongoDB Version: 4.0.10 Community
Squidex.ClientLibrary Version: 8.21.0

VM Configuration: 2 Core 4GB RAM

MongoDb is also on the same server.

Please let me know if other details are required.

You have to understand how a database works. There are 3 “sources” for your data, which gets slower with every stage:

  1. Index in Memory
  2. Index on Disk
  3. Main data

So here is what happens:

  1. First it queries the data
    • from the index (stage: 'IXSCAN',)
    • returns a lot of items in the schema (nReturned: 702501)
    • and already takes a lot of time (executionTimeMillisEstimate: 597), probably because the CPU is not the fastest.
  2. Then it queries all items
    • from the disk (`stage: ‘FETCH’) and filters them
    • returns only the matching items (nReturned: 6) from a lot of items in total (works: 702502)
    • makes a lot of reads from the disks which is slow (numYield: 5544)

So what can you do:

  1. Get a faster machine, 702501 items is not less.
  2. Get a SSD to make the queries faster in general.
  3. Migrate to Mongo Atlas
  4. Migrate to Squidex 7
  5. Turn on this flag CONTENTS__OPTIMIZEFORSELFHOSTING and rebuild your content
    with REBUILD__CONTENTS=true
    https://github.com/Squidex/squidex/blob/master/backend/src/Squidex/appsettings.json#L245. Then you get a dedicated Mongo collection per schema and you can use an index. If you use Atlas, MongoDB will suggest indexes automatically for you.
  6. Use a rule to store the content items in Elastic Search and query from there.
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Thanks @Sebastian for such a quick response. I will make the above mentioned changes.