Proper way for call api with custom filters from create/update script

I’m submitting a…

  • Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
  • Bug report
  • Performance issue
  • Documentation issue or request

Current behavior

According the documentation there is a function for to fetch content from the CMS by ID or IDs.

There is also a function getJSON/postJSON for fetch data from external API.

I have no bearer access_token on user in context [ctx] (like I have in the sidebar/editor plugin) which would give me the ability to make an authenticated call to the CMS for to fetch data by custom filters (like in Postman or from sidebar/editor HTML)

Expected behavior

Description of how to call the CMS with provided context information.
Function or extension of getReferences for to fetch content with custom filter

Minimal reproduction of the problem

Actual content of the provided context [ctx] in the update script:
(AppName, E-Mail and Host changed)

  "data": { ... },
  "dataOld": { ... },
  "oldData": { ... },
  "oldStatus": "Published",
  "operation": "Update",
  "status": "Published",
  "statusOld": "Unknown",
  "appId": "85ca01a5-01c5-4c10-b6a4-65760bfa045c",
  "appName": "",
  "contentId": "d546d720-7650-4597-acad-3d44a1ed0956",
  "schemaId": "15b9e1cf-f423-41f5-8c05-737f0d486d2e",
  "schemaName": "page",
  "user": {
    "id": "6511928064157693fb049329",
    "email": "",
    "isClient": false,
    "isUser": true,
    "name": null,
    "claims": {
      "sub": [
      "name": [
      "emailaddress": [
      "permissions": [
      "email": [
      "oi_prst": [
      "iss": [
      "oi_au_id": [
      "client_id": [
      "oi_tkn_id": [
      "aud": [
      "scope": [
        "squidex-api openid profile email permissions"
      "jti": [
      "exp": [
      "iat": [
      "oi_tkn_typ": [
      "oi_crt_dt": [
        "Wed, 15 Nov 2023 13:12:30 GMT"
      "oi_exp_dt": [
        "Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:12:30 GMT"
      "oi_aud": [
      "oi_scp": [
      "role": [


App Name: …live

  • Self hosted with docker
  • Self hosted with IIS
  • Self hosted with other version
  • Cloud version

Version: 7.8.2


  • Chrome (desktop)
  • Chrome (Android)
  • Chrome (iOS)
  • Firefox
  • Safari (desktop)
  • Safari (iOS)
  • IE
  • Edge


The length of a bearer token which I receive in Postman is 854 and looks like a base64 encoded string - nothing like that found in the update script context.

I may give some example scripts and show what I’m doing there.

In short, we have localized URL-slugs and since the localized fields cannot be set as “unique” i had to check them by myself - so I made a script which checks the existing content for same slug name.

The check will append an increment number “-1” following the last exist number suffix.

Working code (bearer-token fetched manually):

var data =;
//data.debug.iv = JSON.stringify({action:'update',context:ctx}, null, 2);
if (data.title) {
    if( && (!data.slug || ! || == '')){ = slugify(;
    if( && (!data.slug || ! || == '')){ = slugify(;
    if( && (!data.slug || ! || == '')){ = slugify(;
    if(data.title.en && (!data.slug || !data.slug.en || data.slug.en == '')){
        data.slug.en = slugify(data.title.en);

/*var tokenurl = + 'identity-server/connect/token';
postJSON(tokenurl, {}, (d) => {
}, headers?, ignoreError?)*/

var instancesStarted = 0;
function finish() {
    if (instancesStarted == 0) {
    } else {
        //data.debug.iv += ' | wait for started instances to finish; num of instances: ' + instancesStarted;

var url;
function checkandreplaceslug(field, lang, id) {
    var value = field[lang];
    //data.debug.iv = "origin data("+lang+"): " + value;
    var query = {
        "filter": {
            "path": "data.slug." + lang,
            "op": "matchs",
            "value": "^"+value+"(-[0-9]+)?$"
    url = + "api/content/" + ctx.appName + "/" + ctx.schemaName + "?q=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(query));
    //data.debug.iv += ' | URL: ' + url;
    var bearerToken = 'my-generated-token-fetched-with-postman';
    let authHeader = `Bearer ${bearerToken}`;
    //data.debug.iv += ' | header: ' + authHeader;
    var testdata = getJSON(url, (responseData) => {
        if (responseData && responseData['items']) {
            var numEquals = 0;
            var numEqualsSameId = 0;
            var currentHighestNum = 0;
            var previousSlug = null;
            for(var i = 0, l = responseData['items'].length; i < l; i++) {
                var rId = responseData['items'][i]['id'];
                var rSlug = responseData['items'][i].data.slug[lang];
                // test-title
                // test-title
                // test-title-1
                // test-title-2
                if (rSlug == value) {
                    if (rId == id) {
                } else {
                    var rNum = rSlug.split('-').pop();
                    //data.debug.iv += ' | check-num: ' + JSON.stringify({rSlug:rSlug, rNum:rNum, inan:isNaN(rNum)});
                    if (!isNaN(rNum)) {
                        let irNum = rNum * 1;
                        if (irNum > currentHighestNum) {
                            currentHighestNum = irNum;
                        if (rId == id) {
                            previousSlug = rSlug;
                //data.debug.iv += ' | check: ' + JSON.stringify({rSlug:rSlug, eq:(rSlug == value), rId:rId, id_eq:(rId == id)});
            if (numEquals == 0 || (numEquals == 1 && numEqualsSameId == 1)) {
                // everything fine
            } else {
                // apply previous numbered slug for to prevent nonsense upcounting
                if (previousSlug != null) 
                    field[lang] = previousSlug;
                    field[lang] = value + '-' + (currentHighestNum + 1);
            //data.debug.iv += ' | results: ' + JSON.stringify({nE:numEquals,nEsID:numEqualsSameId,cHN:currentHighestNum,nV:field[lang]});
        //data.debug.iv += ' | response: ' + JSON.stringify(responseData);
    }, { Authorization: authHeader});
    //data.debug.iv += ' | testdata: ' + JSON.stringify(testdata);
    //data.debug.iv = 'after getJSON()';

try {
    checkandreplaceslug(data.slug, 'de', ctx.contentId);
    checkandreplaceslug(data.slug, 'fr', ctx.contentId);
catch(e) {
    //data.debug.iv += JSON.stringify(e);
    //reject('Exception in update script: ' + e + ' (' + url + ')');
//data.debug.iv += ' | call finish after try-block: ' + instancesStarted;