Hi Sebastian,

blog, web page etc. There is a beautifully designed editor to improve things. This editore can also be developed in the plugin. It would be great if an editor option could be added to the system so that we can use all these features comfortably.

I leave you a link for you to review. I can give ideas if questions arise at the point of implementation.

For what kind of field type? Json field?

It should store data as json in the background and present the data as json in the api part. but as UI we have to manage it with editorJS.

Of course. Then it would be an editor for a JSON field.

Will you include this task in your development plan?

I think I can provide a editor plugin soon and then will think about an official integration.

I have built a sample how you can create your custom plugin: https://github.com/Squidex/squidex/blob/master/backend/src/Squidex/wwwroot/scripts/editor-editorjs.html