[OBSOLETE] Auto image (asset) resizing

I noticed that when uploading an image, it now gets tagged with something indicating it’s size (like “image/small” for example). This seems to show that Squidex is aware of the size of the image.

I wonder if it could offer to auto-resize images when uploading. It could prompt the user whether they want it resized to “small”, “medium”, “large”, “custom size” or “original”.

The API offers several resizing options: https://docs.squidex.io/guides/assets.

So you can just request the image in the size you need. E.g, for the Squidex UI I have written a custom image component which always requests the image in the correct size.

resizing feature is great, however should you retrieve everytime the image in the resized size or should you store the resized image ?

Furthermore for SEO you should have a http url to an image instead of retrieving the bitstream.

Maybe we could do something with the rules, when new image is uploaded it generates 3 different size images which can be retrieved. This will reduce the load on the API Assest GET significantly.

The load on the api should be fine. All resized images are cached permanently in the storage.

The SEO question is more complicated, but I guess you also want to have a nice url.

BTW: Where is the difference between a bitstream and a url to an image for you?

for our own site an url or bitstream is no big difference. If the resized images are cached, maybe proving option to retrieve direct link to them would help.

For SEO you need to specify a valid url to an image in the OG:image Meta tag.
I’m not sure if the resolve works when you put in the http://YOUR-DOMAIN/api/assets/{id} including resize parameters.

Would you like to add an extension to the url? Because technically it is a valid url.

I could offer some alternative URLs, so that you can attach an extension (just to get nice urls) or a suffix.

E.g. http://YOUR-DOMAIN/api/assets/123123123123-at-the-beach.png

We have created our own handler to serve small/medium/large format (which calls the assest api with the appropiate resize paramaters. Think this solves for now the resizing question.

Regarding the SEO, I have to check if it accepts this image url, or that it wants nice url with proper suffix. It is a simular case like the slug, it also wants a nice url instead of an indentifier. Will keep you posted