Migrating Historic data in Squidex

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Expected behavior

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App Name:

  • [ ] Self hosted with docker
  • [X ] Self hosted with IIS
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Version: 6.5


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Hi Sebastian,

I am migrating historic data to CMS from MarkLogic using Client Library. Data contacts Binary streams of files( which gets uploaded in asset and then get linked and multiple mapping with other schemas
As data is too large say 3 lacs which we are migrating in small batches of 1000, I am facing multiple issues like slow data transfer rates and 503 errors.

I want to ask is there any faster way to perform this task keeping in my the mapping of different schemas and assets and the huge amount of data

It is a very broad question. I have no idea how exactly you make the import, perhaps you are just doing something wrong?

I would have a look how the CLI handles things: e.g. https://github.com/Squidex/squidex-samples/blob/master/cli/Squidex.CLI/Squidex.CLI.Core/Commands/Implementation/Sync/Assets/UploadPipeline.cs