Please I am trying to do request using postman to graphql endpoint from what I understood in the documentation I should do POST to the https://localhost:5001/api/content/lovecaymanisland/graphql
I added to the body query which works in the graphql editor and added as well Outh2 bearer copied out from Squidex Client - Manual Connect.
Please would you lead me how to do this request? (Then I try it from FE apps) I am running it locally with docker.
Many thanks
I am experimenting with squidex as a candidate for cms
Pls I reinstalled both certs from dev folder to my mac. simply just clicked them.
And checked console in postman. Saying “unable to verify the first certificate” and 400 Bad Request. that’s probably the issue. Do I need to do special steps with the certificates installation? localhost:5001 runs “Not Secure”.