Main Repository (New Features) Bugs

Hi Sebastian,

I wanted to download and experience the latest version from the master repo but observed some errors. Normal schema fields do not appear in Graphql queries, only dynamic fields. You can see this as you type in the API editor. Also, the relational data does not appear in list view/content view.

Can you please review Field Selector package?

Thank you.

Sure. But these use cases are covered by the tests … I also need more precise descriptions.

Works fine for me:

I actually wanted to deploy the cloud today but I am afraid now because of this. Do you have some information that could help me?

Hi Sebastian,

I’m sorry, I saw that you wrote late, I’m very busy at the moment. But I think you’ve made fixes with a strong work on the graphql side.

health to your hands.

Hi Sebastian,

I got the updates and saw that the errors on the graphql side were resolved. But the error persists in the data listing view.

I am citing an example process;

reference data does not appear in list view.

Can you take a look at this too?

Thank you.

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Thanks for the detailed response. I will have a look.

Should be fixed now.