Lucene indexes in Azure

Hello! I changed the assetStore to AzureBlob because I want the Lucene index there. I defined the type:“AzureBlob”, containerName and connectionString. After deploying the application, the Azure container is not yet in use. Is there any other configuration to be done in Squidex?

No, this should work, you could upload an image as a test and also reset the text indexer.

Thx @Sebastian! This test worked for assets. How can I test for Lucene index? I don’t have any Lucene blob in Azure Storage yet.

You have to create or update content item or go to to admin section-> EventConsumers and restart the text indexer

I did the tests you suggested, but the indices aren’t there yet, although the assets are already there.

Which version do you use? Do you have something in your mongodb db?

The version is 4.2 and my Mongo is approximately 600 MB

Then they should be part of the asset storage. I think the indexes are just named after the schema id.

It is just a GUID, so they could look very similar to the assets. This is the implementation:

Sorry, they are named like the id of the app. The variable name was wrong.

Hi @Sebastian, thx for reply and sorry for delay.
These are the blobs in Azure.

Is the second the Index?

No, it is the resized image.