Issue about the new features of the custom editor

Hi Sebastian, I had read your reply about my request:

Thank you for taking the time to implement this update. However, is the editor-sdk.js hasn’t update to the latest version ? Because I don’t see your new added function in the script…


I have not deployed it yet…will do it today.

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Btw, it is deployed now. You can also use this one as a sample and test:

I just try to use your example to my schema, but there is nothing happen after I press any button … maybe there is some config need to do?

I just tested it and it works for me. Do you use the cloud?

Yes, I am using the link that you provided to test, but there is nothing happen after I press every button.

Do you have a link to your app for me? You can send it as PM.

It turned out that the custom deployment was not updated.