Is there a limit on the value of the $skip parameter to get paginated data?

Hi all.

I do not know whether to categorize it as a bug but I leave the description of my problem.

From postman I have made a request automation process with these values:

  • $skip = 60800
  • $top = 200
  • $orderby = created asc

But I noticed that when the $skip parameter takes values ​​higher than 60800 I am getting a 500 error.

Can you help me know if it is a Squidex limitation or what the bug is about?
Thank you.

It is a limitation with the database. I think you should find a long explanation in the forum.

I found this link in the forum:

Following the line, I understand that it is a matter of creating indexes on the DB, right?

Yes, but it is not possible, technically. I wonder why the fix does not work for you and why you do not retrieve the proper results like in the forum post. Can you check your logs for the exception and post it here?

I will look for the documentation to create the indexes and I will gladly share the logs.

As I said: It is not possible to create indexes.