Is it possible to remove base url setting?

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is it possible to remove base url setting ?
why a domain name must be given and bind to squidex ?
could squidex be a service listening on a port and you can resolve whatever domain name to that port ?

There are 2 reasons:

  1. Squidex needs to generate URLs from background processes.
  2. Squidex needs to generate URLs for authentication, e.g. something like this:

But why do we need the setting?

  1. Sometimes Squidex is accessed from multiple URLs, e.g. a health check calls localhost and the end users call your-domain. If we store the URL for the background-processes somewhere it is hard to say which is the correct URL. I have used a library in the past, which was doing exactly that and in < 5% of the deployments the wrong URL was stored and nothing worked anymore.

  2. Squidex is very often not hosted directly as frontend server. So, in my cases I have fastly -> cloudflare -> Google Load Balancer -> Kubernetes Ingress -> Squidex. And all these services need to transport the host correctly. There is a header for that, but it is not always supported:

Thanks for your reply , i just wondering is there a better way to deal with this setting , because when i am doing a squidex migration , this setting just makes things more complex.

I don’t see one and it does not happen so often that Squidex is moved from one server to another.