How can I integrate my identity server with my Android/iOS so that after login with SSO is successful it redirects me to my app? I am trying to use WebView to show the login options. Also when the user gets redirected to the app I need the user’s credentials as well within the app. I couldn’t find any documentation related to this.
I guess you are talking about Squidex Identity.
The identity system is more a POC right now, therefore there is almost no documentation yet. But I think the idea has potential and does not exist in other systems yet, so I would really appreciate any help. I think the project is small enough to jump into the code relatively quick.
It uses OpenID connect. What you need to do is to create a client. A client is another application such as a mobile app or web application. You an find more information here:
You need the following information:
- ClientId, e.g.
- ClientSecret: Any SHA256 encrypted shared secret. You can use this tool for that:
Then you need an OIDC client for your mobile app: Usually you need to define the client id and secret there and also the URL to squidex identity, e.g.:
This can be used I guess:
Hi Sebastian,
How can get the auth endpoint and the token end point for our squidex identity server?
I will have a look today, but I am in a few meetings the next hours.
Thanks. Is it also possible to setup a call or a meeting with you?
Yeah, why not. Tomorrow 2pm German time?
Yeah that would be great. Will a skype meeting work for you?
Yes, my account is sebastianstehle
Can I get you email address? Because we use skype for business so this username won’t work.
Thank you. I’ll send the meeting invite shortly.
Sorry, have not received anything. Can you give me your skype, or send me a hangout meeting or so.
Hey Sebastian,
I was trying to integrate our Identity Server in my Android App. I have created a client in CMS and i am using the same ClientId in my app but whenever i try to authorize it says Error: Unknown client or client not enabled.
What can be the fix for this? I am using AppAuthLibrary for the android app.
Android code snippet
public static class AuthorizeListener implements Button.OnClickListener {
public void onClick(View view) {
AuthorizationServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = new AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(
Uri.parse("http://IdentityServerURL/connect/authorize") /* auth endpoint */,
Uri.parse("http://IdentityServerURL/connect/token") /* token endpoint */
String clientId = "s6BhdRkqt3";
Uri redirectUri = Uri.parse("");
AuthorizationRequest.Builder builder = new AuthorizationRequest.Builder(
builder.setResponseType(“id_token token”);
AuthorizationRequest request =;
AuthorizationService authorizationService = new AuthorizationService(view.getContext());
String action = "";
Intent postAuthorizationIntent = new Intent(action);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(view.getContext(), request.hashCode(), postAuthorizationIntent, 0);
authorizationService.performAuthorizationRequest(request, pendingIntent);
Can you share the exact logs from identity server?
Hi Sebastian,
Below are the logs from the Identity Server.
fail: IdentityServer4.Stores.ValidatingClientStore[0]
Invalid client configuration for client no allowed grant type specified
fail: IdentityServer4.Validation.AuthorizeRequestValidator[0]
Unknown client or not enabled:
"SubjectId": "anonymous",
"RequestedScopes": "",
"Raw": {
"scope": "openid",
"redirect_uri": "",
"state": "abc",
"nonce": "xyz",
"client_secret": "12345",
"response_type": "token",
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": ""
fail: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.AuthorizeEndpoint[0]
Request validation failed
Have you sent the grant type for your client to client_credentials?
Yes it is sent as client_credentials. I got it working on my app. But when I register it doesn’t automatically redirect me to the app even though i have mentioned the correct redirect_uri.
What have you done to fix it? Have you got any logs about redirect urls?
I changed the grant type to implicit and attached nonce and state with the endpoint call.
There are no logs coming up. I think there is no as such error. I want to redirect the user to my app when the registration is done on the identity server which is not happening currently