[IMPLEMENTED] Singleton Id unfollow the Squidex Id's pattern

When i create a singleton it’s id rely on the schema id it belongs not its own id.
Would be fantastic if the singleton content can have a content id in place of the current schema id which is aside of the normal flow when you are requesting documents using the API

It is not possible to not special case singletons. But I can make it easier for you by providing a special contentId, that can be used, e.g.

{schemaId} or so in all API calls.

Sounds interesting, this “contentId” will be different from schemaId?

It has been implemented. It is a special ID called _schemaId_ … whenever you use this ID in an API call it gets replaced with the actual schemaId for this request. Therefore you do not have to make an extra API call to get the schema id for singletons.

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