[IMPLEMENTED] Open Algolia for all event types

Hi @Sebastian,

I am facing two Issues with Asset Change Webhook{Rules} in squidex for populating Algolia Index

  1. The response comes ‘Ignored’ after pushing to Algolia for any asset event type. No records get created in Algolia for asset change/creation/updation/annotation

  2. What is the syntax for actually pushing an Image(the image itself in Algolia e.g. for Thumbnails)

    “objectID”: ${ASSET_ID},
    “img_url”: ${ASSET_URL},
    “img”: ${asset.data},

PFA screenshots

Logs from Asset Change Webhook

No Records Available in Algolia

I couldn’t find much documentation on how to use assets within a given content event and otherwise. Please can you point to an example where I can refer

Algolia integration only listens to content events. I don’t remember why, probably because it was before you were able to customize the payload format.

@Sebastian. Thanks looking forward to use asset change updates. I also wanted to check if in one Schema Update can I load up assets data like slug and actual image.


On Article change, I also want to push the Asset Content i.e image as thumbnail and the image url in Algolia Search Index

E.g. in Articles Schema I have a field to capture images of the article. While showing search results I want to be able to access the image as thumbnails hence need the image url data as well in the search index. For that I will have to push last associated image in Article Content change.

I will deploy this beginning of next week, tuesday or wednesday.

I can also allow resolving assets, but this is only possible with liquid template syntax (an alternative to scripts), a documentation about this will come soon, a collaborator promised me to provide something.

The reason is a technical limitation of the script engine, which does not exist in the template engine.

Here is an example of a liquid template just to give you a first impression

   "Employee Name" : "{{ content.FirstName }} {{ content.LastName }}",
   "Company Name" : "{{ content.Company }}",
   "Date Of Joining" : "{{ "now" | Date: "MM/dd/yyyy" }}",
   "Department" : "{{ content.department }}",
   "Technology" : "{{ content.Work | Size }}",
   "Skills" : [  
      {% for Skill in content.Work %}     
         "Name" : "{{ Skill.skil }}",
         "Marks" : {{ Skill.Mark }}     
      {% endfor %}  

It is NOT for Squidex event types, I took it from https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/51275.microsoft-azure-liquid-templates-in-logic-apps.aspx

Products like Auth0 also use liquid syntax for similar usecases when customizing emails for user signups

Yes, liquid is already supported, but not documented.

Hi @Sebastian

Has this been deployed? Also you mentioned about a link for documentation around the liquid templating system.


Not yet, sorry…The documentation is promised to be by the co-author of the liquid system for this Friday.

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It has been deployed to the cloud now.

@Sebastian I tested the above by adding a new image to assets. Probably I am not using the right variables in payload? ASSET_URL and ASSET_DATA are both coming as undefined

Here is the payload I am triggering

    "objectID": ASSET_ID,
    "img_url": ASSET_URL,
     "img": ASSET_DATA

At Algolia
I am getting undefined img_url and img

hi, the syntax just does not work.

It should be something like this:;

    "objectID": event.id,
    "img_url": assetContentUrl(),
     // "img": ASSET_DATA <-- NOT SUPPORTED

The objectId is defined automatically, so you can just use

    "img_url": assetContentUrl()
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