[IMPLEMENTED] Default Text Editor - Add target to link and Add class to link


Have managed to update most workflows to use the new editor as a great strength however 2 major items are missing.

Apply targets in the link → edit

Apply classes to links - currently, classes do not apply at all to links. Not sure if this is intended or not?

Have also noticed that the HTML element doesn’t always load its content in the editor, don’t have a minimal reproduction of that, will share if I can recreate it, but my feature request here would be to enable dynamic resizing of the width of the inserted HTML as it can be really hard to edit in the constrained width

This is on 7.13.0


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I have no plans for that, in general I recommend to implement this in your UI. It is relatively easy to apply general rules if you use markdown and a few lines of code for custom rendering.

This sounds like a bug.

You are only talking about the HTML block right? What do you mean with resizable width?

I have no plans for that, in general I recommend to implement this in your UI. It is relatively easy to apply general rules if you use markdown and a few lines of code for custom rendering.

To make this change in here → GitHub - Squidex/editor: Rich Text Editor for Squidex then update the default text editor to use the our own build of that?

This sounds like a bug.

Wanted to check, will post a bug report with examples.

You are only talking about the HTML block right? What do you mean with resizable width?

Yes the HTML block, the drag interaction on the bottom right only lets you extend it up or down to edit the HTML content, for anything larger than a single line it gets really hard to read with the constrained width of the block.

SS Attached
Currently can expend like the red box, only down.
Would be much more usable if could also expand to the right.

Yes, you can do that. But it would be easier if you don’t use HTML, but just markdown.