[IMPLEMENTED] Asset Filtering in "Select Asset" popup

When adding an asset to content in the rich text editor, the “Select Asset” popup has a “Search for assets” field. This field only searches the file name, not the tags. The value of tags is to make it easy to find content, so it would be great to be able to filter the list by Tag when inserting an asset.

Good point. I was aware of this problem when I introduced tags but I had no idea where to add it to the dialog and I still do not have an idea.

Could the input field filter my matching tag name OR matching file name? That wouldn’t require you to come up with any new UI elements, though it would require that the user know the name of the tag in order to type it in.

Perhaps in combination with autocompletion.

I could just put the tag control to the header.

The tag selector from the assets page would work,but it probably would require a redesign of the UI on that modal to accommodate it.

Coming soon