Identity Example not work


  • [X] Self hosted with IIS

Version: 4.2

Hello Sebastian

I wanted to use the Identity app in version 4.2. I downloaded the squidex-identity and created the Identity app in Squidex. All settings made.

The registration works without problems.

However, the registration does not work afterwards. The user is logged on, but after that the login is gone.

Here are two screenshots.

What am I doing wrong?


Redirect to Index:

The old versions worked. Only those with Dotnet Core 3.1 don’t work for me.


The 3.1 version is more a proof of concept, I should never have published it.

I am looking for someone who can support me with that, it is really a lot of work…

OK :slight_smile:
I’ll see if I can get it to work somehow.

Greetings Anderas

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I guess it is something with the cookies.

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