What I tried to achieve is to store nested component with partitioned fields for description, so only description should be localizable not other fields.
When I pass Dictionary<string,string> I’m getting error that even if field is localizable it’s expected as a string only.
var componentSchemaDto = new CreateSchemaDto
Name = name,
Fields = new List<UpsertSchemaFieldDto>
Name = nameof(Description),
Properties = new StringFieldPropertiesDto(),
Partitioning = Partitioning.Language
Name = nameof(TenantId),
Properties = new NumberFieldPropertiesDto()
Scripts = scripts,
Properties = new SchemaPropertiesDto { ValidateOnPublish = true },
IsPublished = true,
Type = SchemaType.Component
and main schema
var createSchemaDto = new CreateSchemaDto
Name = name,
Fields = new List<UpsertSchemaFieldDto>
Name = nameof(Content),
Properties = new ComponentFieldPropertiesDto()
SchemaIds = new List<string> { "56a7d2cb-8ad3-47b3-b0ee-2c674723adf9" } // get this from squidex
Name = nameof(Tags),
Properties = new TagsFieldPropertiesDto()
Scripts = scripts,
Properties = new SchemaPropertiesDto { ValidateOnPublish = true},
IsPublished = true,
Type = SchemaType.Default,
and in model I’m using Dictionary for localizable field for Content component.
Is this proper way to set it up or I’m doing something wrong? Does localization works on component fields?