How Can I Auto login in Squidex with Azure B2C cross domains

I am integrate SSO for 2 different domains, one is Admin site (using Angular 13 and ASPNET Core) and another one is Squidex site.

I config Admin site using Azure Ad B2c Identity provider. Squidex using own identity provider (openiddict) But I config OIDC login for this.

Now Problem is: How Can make: when I login to Admin site then Squdex page will be automatically logged in.

It is not possible.

Auto login does not work, but in theory Squidex could make a silent login, where the content in the iframe redirects a few times to get the tokens and then will be logged in.

But Azure B2C sets the X-Frame-Options header and therefore the redirect does not seem to work. We already tested that with your boss.