Helm deploy squidex on k8s , clustering issue

But in the chrome network tab you see the redirect uri with “http”. How is the iframe opened?

you means this redirect_uri ? i don’t know why it becomes this http mode , what i am visitting is in https mode .

Which version do you use? Perhaps it is an old bug, that has been fixed already.

repository: squidex/squidex
tag: “”
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

is this the lastest version ?

It is 5.9.0. https://squidex-qa.dev.connext.elco-cloud.cn/api/info

Change the tag to 6.7.0. Better to use a concrete version.

apiVersion: v2
type: application

name: squidex
description: Squidex CMS

version: 1.3.0
appVersion: “5.9.0”

home: https://squidex.io/


  • cms
  • headless-cms
  • mongodb
  • csharp
  • asp-net-core
  • asp-net



if i change the app version , do i need to change mongodb version ?

it works , i change the appversion to 6.7.0 , the web console is working ,no more errors .
thank you for your help .

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No, it is not. Please check the logs again and post them as code block (I will not read them otherwise) or file if they do not fit into a single answer.

how could i use CODE BLOCKS. there is nowhere to choose CODE BLOCKS


aka preformatted text.

Thx. I will dig into that.

Hello , any update for the issue ?

I cannot reach this URL and I do not know why. I just installed 6.9.0 myself and it was working fine.

identity-server/.well-known/openid-configuration ,
in squidex pod ,what’s the path of this file : openid-configuration ?
in squidex pod , under /app folder i can not find the folder identity-server .

It is not a file, it is an API endpoint.

ok , so how could i help to debug this API endpoint ?

No idea right now, sorry. Perhaps there is something in the logs.

in the squidex pod , i can curl https://squidex-qa.dev.connext.elco-cloud.cn/identity-server/.well-known/openid-configuration , and it works .

is there any configuration to limit this API endpoint only accessable via internal network ?